Afghanistan/Kite Runner Timeline

  • Amir is born in Kabul

  • The Republic of Afghanistan is establish to firm ties to the USSR

    Prime Minister Khan overthrows the last king Mohammad Zahir Shaw in a military coup. Khan abolishes the monarchy and names himself president.
  • Amir sees Assef abusing Hassan

    Amir sees Assef abusing Hassan, but does not do anything about it. He says, "I ran because I was a coward" (Hosseini 77). This haunted Amir, because it was a sin. After this he continued to be mean to Hassan and ignore him out of guilt.
  • Khan is killed in a communist group - Nur Muhammad Taraki, a communist, takes control of the country as president

    Taraki proclaims independence from Soviet influence, and signs a friendship treaty with the Soviet Union
  • The Soviet Union invades

    There is a rivarly between Takari and another communist leader, and Takari ends up dead. The other communist leader, Amin, takes over and opposes the Soviets, leading to them invading.
  • Amir and Baba leave Kabul

    Because of the war with the Soviets, many Afghans leave in fear, including Amir and Baba. Amir and Baba move to California after waiting for their Visas in Pakistan for about six months.
  • Amir and Baba start a new life in America

    Amir and Baba start their new life in California. Amir thinks “I could wade into this river, let my sins drown to the bottom, let the waters carry me someplace far” (Hosseini 136). Eventually he has to return to Kabul
  • Period: to

    The Taliban is founded and start taking over Afghanistan

    The Taliban is founded in 1988, then they fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. The people their think they are their saviors until they reign terror upon Afghanistan.
  • Amir returns to Kabul.

    After he receives a call from Rahim Khan for him to visit. Amir comes to Afghanistan and talks with Rahim Khan. He learns many things, including that Hassan had a child who is now an orphan. Amir was told to take care of the child, and he unfortunately knew why he had to. After talking "...I told him I was going to Kabul" (Hosseini 227). Amir goes to Kabul, fights Assef, and eventually brings Sohrab, Hassan's Child, back to America.
  • 9/11

    The Taliban Hijack 4 planes in America. 2 of these planes crash into the twin Towers, causing 3000 deaths, fear over America, and the twin towers to collapse.