Eadweard Muybridge invents series photography
Taylor begins working at the Midvale Steel Company in Philadelphia, where he begins to develop his theories on scientific management.
Celluloid Roll Film is invented by Eastman Kodak
The first "Movie Studio" kinetoscope invented by Thomas Edison
Woodville Latham along with the Lumiere Brothers invent Cinematographe(Video Projection)
The Cabbage Fairy, the first functional film is released
Le Voyage dans La Lune is released, the first internationally distributed film
Opening of the Nickelodeon in Pittsburg, the first movie theater
Highland Park Plant (predecessor of the Ford Motor Company) opened and embraced “Taylorism”
The Principles of Scientific Management, Taylor’s most famous work published.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Los Angeles has replaced NYC as the center of the film business
WWI start; increased demand for goods; Taylor’s principles start getting implemented to increase efficiency
Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith is released