Brown vs. Board of Education
PBS - Brown vs. BOE
In this landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools violated the fourteenth ammendment. -
JFK Executive Order on Equal Opportunity
JFK Executive Order JFK establishes by executive order the Council on Equal Opportunity which required federal contractors to hire employees regardless of race, credd, color or nation of origin. -
Civil Rights Act
LBJ signs Civil Rights Act The Civil Rights Act forbade discrimination by employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or nation of origin in the areas of hiring, promoting and firing, -
Reverse Discrimination Case
Reverse Discrimination Ruling Allan Bakke sued the University of California for reverse discrimination after he was denied acceptance in its medical school. He claimed that his academic benchmark scores where higher than 16 minorities that were admistted into the program, and that he was denied because he was white. The Supreme Court ruled that strict racial quotas were unconstitutional but AA was not. -
Supreme Court upholds Affirmative Action plan in AL
Alabama State Troopers Supreme Court upholds Affirmative Action plan in Alabama where one plack state trroper was promoted for every white. -
Affirmative Action Bake Sale
AA Bake Sale At the University of Texa, a Young Conservatives group held a bake sale to show why affirmative action is a terrible policy. They charged customers different prices for brownies based on the ethic race. -
$1.35 million Reverse Discrimination Award
Freeport deicision A Freeport, NY police officer was awarded $1.35 million by NY court in a lawsuit claiming that he was a victim of reverse discrimination when he was passed over for promotion because of his race. A Hispanic man was promoted to the position of chief of police.