Affective Computing Timeline

  • Universal emotions

    Paul Ekman was a psychologist who looked into emotions and attempted to determine if they are universal across cultures. He suggested that there are only 6 basic emotions. With the training tools stated on the website it can help humans learn how to see emotions. These basic emotions and micro-expressions are used by AI to read and determine an individuals emotional processing and primary and secondary emotions.
  • Image modeling and affective computing

    Picard developed a system that combined visual systems with ways in which we see certain things. This was a precursor of google images. Studied how our eyes focus on some things and not others. Attached is a vision psychology video, it shows the bias that our eyes can have when we focus on one thing. Picard used this emotional bias and combined it with technology to develop the first systems of AI.
  • Probabilities of intent (Clippy)

    Microsoft tried to use patterns to suggest defaults.This was largely hated on by individuals as it was to helpful and continually interrupted tasks.
  • Galvactivator

    Used skin conductivity to determine arousal levels which was used in computer games. This was a bio-sensor that became increasingly sophisticated over the years. It eventually was used for individuals to communicate emotions.
  • ANNS return

    ANN's which were present in the 1990's came back in 2006 when major developments happened. This new system analyzes all the many hidden layers.
  • GPU's

    These were also more present during this time because the price dropped and availability increased. This allowed the system to be faster and do more.
  • iCalm

    A portable/wearable device was established in 2007. This was supposed to help individuals with sleep, weight loss, stress, physical activity and autism education.
  • Emotient

    This company focused more on facial recognition and micro expressions. They can also recognize certain emotions through human voice.
  • API's/SDK's and SaaS

    All of these developed by the digital age has allowed for the AI world to grow exponentially and be available to many individuals. During this time Picard and el Kaliouby launched Affectiva.
  • Affectiva's rise

    They received 4 million dollars in funding because their program could identify something that no others could put a descriptor to. Now they produce highly used is as wearables.
  • mergers and acquisitions

  • Robots for the public

    Robots for the public
    Companies began to sell the AI robots to the public. At this point they were small but they understand and responds to emotion. This robot was made in Japan to be a companion to elderly people.
  • EPU

    These combine both software and robotics. This is known as the first emotion chip for AI.
  • Beating the Go grandmaster

    This was a AI challenge that was not expected to be completed until decades in the future. They expanded and improved their system by using many real world individuals and studying their reactions.
  • Robotic refrigerators

    Robotic refrigerators
    In the near future there may be refrigerators that have the capability of knowing what groceries you need and are running out of. They may also have a camera and that looks to see where your eyes go and what you grab from the refrigerator and what you make. Then it can recommend similar foods or recipes.
  • Home helper

    In the future there will likely be a robot or some sort of home system that helps with all your needs. It would have cameras throughout your home and connects all the rooms and electronics together. It would turn on lights when you walk into a room and turn them off when you are in bed. It would be able to know if you are hungry and can start making dinner for you or heating up water on the stove. It would be able to do all things all based on your instructions or facial expressions.