
Advancements in Household Technology

  • 2009 BCE


    Kindle released their ebooks and online newpaper subscriptions. A way for people to stay connected to world events without all the paper and no need for it to be mailed, delivered, or purchased at a news stand.
  • 2004 BCE


    Stay connected with friends all over the world. No need for keeping current address books. Find all your friends in one place and follow them on their timelines. Communicate through messenger and now voice and video chat is available.
  • 2003 BCE


    Skype is a way of staying in touch with family from all over. It is a way to communicate through video, not just audio! Loved ones can keep in touch with grandchildren and actually watch them grow.
  • 2002 BCE


    Vacuuming without any of the work. This vacuum is a robot that vacuums your home for you.
  • 2002 BCE


    Bluetooth allows you to connect all of your devices, now even your car, wirelessly. Answer phone calls through your car speakers, download your music, etc.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Postmodern Era

    2000's to present
  • 1999 BCE

    Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    This made it easier to navigate the computer
  • 1987 BCE


    While the first had powered dishwasher was invented in the 1850's, it wasn't until 1987 that they made their way into U.S. homes. Today, more than 75% of homes have dishwashers.
  • 1983 BCE


    1983 marked the start of modern internet. By 2000 51% of all telecommunication is through internet and still growing rapidly. It has become our main resource of information all around the world.
  • 1980 BCE

    Post It notes

    Post It notes
    Post It notes are still used today and great for using as book marks, making small notes and reminders!
  • 1978 BCE

    Huggies Disposable Diapers

    Huggies Disposable Diapers
    Replaced cloth diapers. Made diaper changing quickier and easier. Disposable could be tossed in the trash, where as cloth diapers had to be washed.
  • 1973 BCE

    Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Developed in 1973 but came to the U.S. in 1983, cell phones were a luxury item for a long time, but were always appreciated for their convenience in being able to get a hold of someone no matter where they were.
  • 1967 BCE

    Handheld Calculator

    Handheld Calculator
    Allowed families to quickly budget their money by simply pressing a few buttons.
  • 1965 BCE

    Collapsible Baby Buggy

    Collapsible Baby Buggy
    This made it easier to get out and about with baby while needing to run errands that may require a bit of walking.
  • 1957 BCE


    Largely used for shoes, instead of laces. This saved time and made it easier for children to get their own shoes on.
  • 1957 BCE

    AA Batteries

    AA Batteries
    Batteries allowed electronic items to become portable and no need for an outlet.
  • 1957 BCE

    Birth Control Pills

    Birth Control Pills
    Gave women more control over there fertility and more control over family sizes.
  • 1956 BCE

    Shopping Mall

    Shopping Mall
    The first shopping mall to ever open in the U.S. was the Scottsdale Center. Shopping Malls allowed families to get everything they needed all in one place.
  • 1955 BCE

    Infant Tylenol

    Infant Tylenol
    First offered as a prescription for infant pain a fever. Before this, parents relied on home remedies to help with a child's fever.
  • 1954 BCE

    Non-Stick Pan

    Non-Stick Pan
    Made cooking easier, less need for grease and fats.
  • 1953 BCE

    TV Dinner

    TV Dinner
    First invented by Swanson's and was a huge success. The meal allowed for a quick and easy meal and less time in the kitchen for clean up, seeing as how the meal came in a disposable tray.
  • 1950 BCE

    Credit Card

    Credit Card
    Credit cards were first designed to be used for fuel purchases for car owners. Later the credit card evolved into what it is today. This allowed people to borrow money when they may not have had the means to pay for something, otherwise.
  • Period: 1950 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Modern Era

    1950's to early 21st century
  • 1946 BCE


    Convenient to store and transport food. Also not as fragile as glass and safe for children to handle.
  • 1945 BCE


    Cut down on cooking time and easily reheat left overs.
  • 1935 BCE

    Clothes Dryer

    Clothes Dryer
    Hanging clothes on a line to dry took time. In the winter months it was hard to get clothes to dry at all. Stringing clothes through the house, near wood stoves and fire places was inconvenient. The dryer was a solution to this problem.
  • 1930 BCE

    Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning
    This made being indoors through the summer months more enjoyable for families.
  • 1930 BCE

    Washing Machine

    Washing Machine
    Wringer Washer was developed in 1854, more effective washing machines began to show up in more homes in the 1930's. Clothes were able to be washed more quickly and efficiently, leaving more time to do other things around the home.
  • 1910 BCE


    Families were able to travel longer distances in less time.
  • 1908 BCE

    Electric Standing Mixer

    Electric Standing Mixer
    Herbert Johnson first developed a commercial mixer, but in 1919 introduced one for the home. Dough no longer had to be mixed by hand. This saved time and your hand from cramping.
  • 1903 BCE

    Electric Iron

    Electric Iron
    Made iron clothes more effective and efficient
  • 1901 BCE

    Vacuum Cleaner

    Vacuum Cleaner
    Made cleaning floors much easier. No more needing to beat rugs outside. When first invented, vacuums were used by a licensee and still remained a luxury item for many years after.
  • Period: 1900 BCE to 1950 BCE


    early 1900s
  • 1879 BCE

    Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    Families could see within the home better once the sun went down in the evenings. Light bulbs were a better source of light than candles. More detailed oriented projects could be worked on at night.
  • 1876 BCE


    Invented in 1876 but did not become common in households until around 1915. Before this, people depended on always having ice for their iceboxes and could not store large amount of food that needed refrigeration, easily.
  • 1856 BCE

    Kerosene Lamps

    Kerosene Lamps
    Kerosene was invented in 1856 by Abraham Gresner. These took the place of candles and made for easy, portable light.