Kaiser appointed Prince Max Von Baden as new Chancellor
German government seek armistice on the basis on Wilsons 14 points. Britain and France broadly accept but stipulate that there should be compensation for damage to civilian population
Mutinies at Wilhelmshaven and Kiel
Prince Max Von Baden announces Kaisers abdication
Revolution had reached Berlin
Formation of new Government and the fall of the monarchy
Armistice Signed
Spartacist revolt starts
Spartacist revolt ends
Peace conference begins. Germany not invited
Ebert elected preident
New Reichscabinet formed
Terms formally presented. Germany allowed 15 days for observations
Right overthrow Bavarian republic
Germany counter proposaks lead to minor changes
Germany presented with final terms. acceotance required within 7 days.
Chancellor Scheidemann resigns rather than signing terms; president ebert persuaded not to resign
constituent assembly accepts terms by 237 to 138
12000 freikorps troops marched to Berlin where army refused to support the gov.
kapp putsch
Reparations comission, Germany made to pay advance of 20000 gold marks -
New Treaty signed
German- Soviet Treaty of Rappallo signed April 1922. Powers mutually renounced claims to compensation and war costs – countering Article 116 of ToV. Mutual training of army. -
Walther Rathenau assasinated
right wing minority cabinet -
two day rising in hamburg
Munich putsch