
  • the begining of my future

    my high school sweetheart and I got married
  • the start of motherhood

    found out I was prgnant
  • getting ready for baby

    my due date
  • my son is born

    my son was born 1 week late at 4:2 am 17 hours of labor and 20 minutes of pushing
  • hopefully my last semester

    hopefully this is my last semester before I take my nursing test in the spring
  • continuing my education

    even though I have a child I continue to go to school till I become a nurse i started the winter semester
  • 21

    my 21st birthday
  • hello baby

    my due date
  • 1st birthday

    my sons first birhday
  • second baby on the way

    found out we are expeting our second child (hope its a girl)
  • start career #2

    while i wait to start the nursing program I want to get my certificate as a EMT