Adriana's Australian Colonisation Timeline

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    People were becoming poor and homeless so the crime levels increased and this is why the jails were starting to overflow, Everyone was losing their job because their jobs were getting taken over by machines and by electric devices.
  • Captain Arthur Phillip

    Captain Arthur Phillip
    Captain Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove
  • Development

    Transport and communication started to develop.
  • Van Diemens Land

    Van Diemens Land
    Van Diemens Land (Tasmania) was separated from New South Wales
  • Borders being moved

    Borders being moved
    The borders of New South Wales had been moved west.
  • Period: to

    The Nothern Territory was part of New South Wales

    The Nothern Territory was part of New South Wales and in 1863- 1911 was part of South Australia
  • Period: to

    New South Wales

    New South Wales encompassed most of Australia.
  • Britain claimed Australia

    Britain claimed Australia
    Britain claimed the whole of Australia after establishing the colony of Western Australia.
  • Adelaide

    Adelaide had become the centre of the new colony.
  • The colony of New South Wales

    The colony of New South Wales
    The colony of New South Wales was established.
  • Gold mines

    Gold mines
    The discovery of gold at Bathurst
  • New South Wales was granted

    New South Wales was granted
    The colony was part of New South Wales until it was granted the status of a separate colony.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The American weren't allowing the British to send anymore convicts because they became independent with other countries in the world
  • Colonial boarders

    Colonial  boarders
    The colonial boarders had been finalised.
  • The borders finished

    The borders finished
    The colonial borders had been finished
  • The southern part of New South Wales

    The southern part of New South Wales
    The southern part of New South Wales broke away to become a seperate colony and f Victoria