Neo -Paganism
The new concept of Neo-paganism was founded but not recognized until the 90s. This concept revives pre-christian beliefs and often uses ancient pagan practices. -
Adonism was founded in Germany by Frank Sattler. It is considered to be a neopagan religion, (religious movement influenced by pre-modern people around the world). Being a polytheistic religion there are five main Gods. -
Sattler wrote the doctrine with all the major treaties for Adonism. He claimed that this society of believers were a sister to the Nizam-El Khaf group. Sattler referred to this society as a "spiritual community" to entice people to join. Upon joining they will pay Sattler directly, and wait two years before learning the "deeper secrets." -
Due to the rise of Nazi Germany the group faced major problems. People claimed that adonism was part of a Judeo-masonic conspiracy. This forced the group to change their name to, Orion Alliance or Orion Bund -
After the death of Franz Sattler, the belief disappeared for a while. Though there were many attempts to revive the religion. In the 1950s Koblizek attempted to re-create the group but no one showed. Later in the 70s a professor had planned to bring back the adoist society but his plans fell through. Finally German Professor Helmut Moller published an easy on Sattler, which reached many people. -
Present day
The religion and its practices continue to exist today. Since it is not a mainstream religion only few smaller groups and publishers with similar works