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Adnan Syed vs State of Maryland

  • Hae goes missing after school

  • Hae's body is found

    "Mr.S" finds her body after stopping to pee.
  • Anon. caller tells police to look at Adnan as a suspect

  • Detectives subpoena Adnan's cell phone records

  • Detectives talk to Jennifer Pusateri

    She says she doesn't know anything
  • Jenn goes back to detectives

    Tells detectives that Jay told her that Adnan killed Hae.
  • Jay's first interview w/ detectives.

    He tells them that Adnan showed him Hae's body. He leads police to Hae's car.
  • Adnan is arrested.

  • Jay's second interview w/ detectives.

  • Jay's third interview w/ detectives.

  • Jay's fourth interview w/ detectives.

  • Jay signs agreement

    Agreement states that he pleas guilty to being accessory after the fact of the first degree murder of Hae Min Lee
  • Adnan's first trial begins

  • Judge calls mistrial

  • Adnan's second trial begins

  • Adnan is convicted of first degree murder

  • Adnan is sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years.