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Admiral George Anderson Jr. (Naval Commander of Blockade)

By 18johnl
  • Missiles found

    Intermediate- range nuclear missiles are discovered in Cuba.
  • Them are fighting words!

    I was assigned to set up the blockade.
  • The public finds out

    The public finds out
    President Kennedy tells the public about the missile sites in Cuba in a televised speech.
  • Blockade (Quarentine) set up

    Kennedy gives the order to set up the blockade at 10 a.m.
  • Proposals between JFK and Khrushchev

    Proposals between JFK and Khrushchev
    Khrushchev agrees to remove the Cuban missiles if USA removes it's missiles from Turkey.
  • Quarentine cleared up

    Quarentine cleared up
    Kennedy formally ends the quarantine.
  • Admiral Anderson as United States Ambassador to Portugal.

    President John F. Kennedy announced his intention to appoint me as United States Ambassador to Portugal.
  • Finally over!

    Finally over!
    Khrushchev agrees to remove Russian missiles from Cuba
  • Disscusion about budget

    McNamara and I fight back and forth about what the budget should be for the nuclear defense.

    JFK was assassinated in his car next to his wife