Ada's timeline

  • Ada's farm troubles

    Ada's farm troubles
    "She had at least milked the cow, which Monroe had named Waldo with disregard for gender, and fed the horse, Ralph, but she had not done much more, for she did not know how to do much more." -pg28 Frazier. This shows the struggles Ada faces in the beginning of the book. She has no idea how to run her deceased father's farm, for she only has knowledge in literature and art. She's quite helpless and lost without her father, and can barely even feed herself.
  • Ruby to the rescue

    Ruby to the rescue
    "Old Lady Swanger said you're in need of help, she said." pg 67 Frazier. In the quote, Ruby enters Ada's life, offering her help on the farm. Ada agrees to having Ruby help her, and is quite thankful. Ruby unlike Ada, has been educated in farm work rather than literature and art. Her entering in Ada's life will make a large change in Ada's character.
  • Ada's early morning's

    Ada's early morning's
    "Ada was not accustomed to rising in the grey of the morning-- in fact, through the summer she had rarely risen before ten-- but suddenly there was little choice." pg 103 Frazier. This quote shows the start of Ruby's influence on Ada. Slowly but surely Ruby is making impact. She starts by waking up early and tending to the animals, and she makes sure Ada wakes before sunrise. She also makes breakfast, which is something Ada finds herself incapable of.
  • Ada and Ruby's picnic

    Ada and Ruby's picnic
    "so Ada suggested they have their lunch there. They made a picnic of the leftover pieces of last night's fried chicken, a small bowl of potato salad......" Pg 136 Frazier. This quote not only shows the growing relationship between Ada and Ruby but also, Ada's growing will for enjoying life again.
  • Ada sells her Piano

    Ada sells her Piano
    "Ada finally surprised even herself by settling on the piano to part with. Truth be told, though, her hand at the instrument was not particularly fine, and it had been Monroe's choice that she learn to play it to begin with." Pg 96 Frazier. In this quote Ada decides she must sell her piano for the good of the farm. This piano has many memories including her time with Inman at her father's christmas party . Her giving up of this piano shows her slowly moving on from her father's passing.
  • Ada's wish to go to town

    On page 178, Ada wakes up sore from all her hard work. She has never worked this much, or had given this much labor. However even with her weak state she decides she must go out on the town even if she must crawl. This event shows how hard Ada has been working on the farm, and how it has affected her mental state.
  • Ada braids Ruby's hair

    This event shows the growing relationship between Ada and Ruby. Ada slowly becomes more and more comfortable with Ruby, and starts to see her as almost like a sister. She goes from not really having anyone to spending all her time with Ruby. She has gained companionship, and wouldn't be where she is without Ruby's help.