
Ada Lovelace

  • Born

    Born the 10th of december 1815, London.
    His mother was Anna Isabella Milbanke, a mathematician.
    She had been ill since childhood.
  • Her parents divorced

    Her parents divorced and his dad left London, then he died in 1824.
  • Started studying maths and science

    At 17 she started studying maths and science, her teachers were William Frend, William King and Mary Somerville.
  • Marriage

    She married William King-Noel, and had 3 children with him.
  • Met Charles Babbage

    Met Charles Babbage
    She met Charles Babbage, an American mathematician.
    she was fashinated by him and started studying the analytical engine and the differential machine.
  • Article about the analytical engine

    She wrote an article about the analytical engine, where she described it as a computer.
  • Death

    She died from cancer the 27th of november 1852, London.
  • Her notes were published

    Her notes were published
    In her notes, she described an algorithm to calculate the numbers of Bernoulli (the first informatic software of history), so she is technically the first programmer of history.