Acts passed by Parliament

  • Proclamation of 1763

    This act was put in place to prevent further conflict with Native Americans and seperated the colonist. The coloniest were to not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains and they had to move if they were on Native American land. The colonist did not like being restricted and moved west anyway.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was put in place to stop colonist from smuggling in sugar and molasses from other countries. The act did do what it was intended to but negatively affected the colonist's economy. The colonist did not like this act and responded by boycotting certain British goods.
  • Currency Act

    The Currency Act established a uniform currency for the colonies to prevent British merchant from recieving money that was not of proper value. The colonist did not like this and protested.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act taxed a lot of paper products incuding important documents, playing cards, and dice. The colonists protects by boycotts, riots, and attacks on peopel inforcing the act. 0
  • Quartering Act

    This Act made colonist house British soldiers or put them in some type of inn, stable, or other adequate housing if their house was too small. The colonist refused to abide by the act and as a result they suffered consequences.
  • Declaratory Act

    This act stated that Britain had full authority to tax the colonies like it had in Britian. The colonies saw this as a threat to their independence and did not like it.
  • Townshend Acts

    This series of acts taxed paint, paper, lead, glass, and tea. The colonists resented the acts and thought it was unfair that they were taxed without being represnted. They also protested this by not importing Britsih goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre occured when custom officials were conflicting with colonists and British troops were called in to protect them. The colonists then started throwing things at the British troops which cause them to fire leaving three dead at the scene and two who died after due to injuries. The colonisted continued to rebel and protest after the Massacre. They also created propaganda because of this event.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was passed in an attempt to say the East India Company who had a monoply on the sale of tea but were struggling and had large amount of tea held in its London warehouse. This led some colonists to participate in the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a result of the Tea Act and was carried out by patriots in the colonies. These partiots dumped hundreds of pounds of tea into the Boston harbor. The British reacted by cracking down harder on them, imposing more severe taxes, and having increased troop observation over them.
  • Intolerable Acts

    This was the British response to the Boston Tea Party. These did things like closed the harder until the colonist paid for the tea and an act which made them house soldiers. In total there were five Intolerable Acts whgich enraged the colonists. THey met at the House of Burgess which lead to the formation of resolves and the creation of the Contlinental Assotiation which formed a trade boycott.