The Manchuria Sieze
Japan seized Manchuria, China. Even though the Japanese Parliament didn't want the country to do so, the Japanese military still continued on. They then used Manchuria to mine for coal and iron. The army set up a puppet government much like the governments created in India and Africa during Imperialism and Colonization. This was the first direct challenge to the League of Nations. -
Japan Invades China
The Japanese army invaded northern China. Despite having a large amount of soldiers, China could not compete with the 'well-equipped' Japanese. The Japanese took over Bejiing and Nanjing, which forced the Chinese to retreat. The Chinese fled westward and set up a capital in Chingqing. -
Germany Expands the Third Reich
Hitler sent his army into Austria and annexed the policies in the Treaty of Versailles. France and Britain ignored Austria's pleas to help in order to avoid war. Hitler demanded that a section of Czechoslovakia be given to him. Britain and France chose appeasement again in order to avoid war. -
The Nanking Massacre
The Nanking Massacre was an aggressive attack where many were killed and raped. Japanese killed an estimated 40,000 to 300,000. This happened over the ocurse of six weeks. 20,000 to 80,000 women were horrifically sexually assalted by the Japanese army.
http://bhoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/hst265/14.gu somindangpower.html -
German Envasion of Poland
Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. After this, a surprise attack on Poland organized by Hitler. Hitler invades Poland with tanks, soldiers, and strong plans to take it over. They also began bombing Poland's capitol, Warsaw. However, Western Poland fell, and Hilter gained this part of Europe. -
Surprise Attacks on Europe
After the 'sitting' portion of the war ended, Hilter devised a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway. In the first few hours, Denamark fell. In the following months, Norway surrended as well. The Germans were now able to build bases along the Norweigan and Danish coast line to plan for their attack on Great Britain. -
Roosevelt Stops Trade
Roosevelt had cut off the shipments to Japan. This was intended to “prevent the use of the financial facilities … and trade between Japan and the United States, in ways harmful to national defense and American interests.”. Which had led Japan's economy to decrease, which would eventually lead to the fall of economy. -
Attacks on Pearl Harbor
In October of 1940, Americans had found out the secret codes of the Japanese which led the, closer to invading on them. Which had eventually led to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Japanese had attacked and sank many of the American ships which led to more than 2,300 Americans dead. -
Japan Siezed Manila
Japan has now turned the Philippines to go against, which has led to Japan marching into the Philippines capital of Manila. Through out all of this, the Philippine government moved to an island just to the south of Bataan. After three months of fighting, Japan had finally taken Bataan Peninsula in April. -
Tokyo Bombings
In April of 1942, around 16 bombers had been active under the command of Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle which had attacked Tokyo and surrounding cities in Japan. However, the bombs had did little to no damage to Japan which had led them to try something else. This had led to the a different battle called The Battle of the Coral Sea. This battle had led to charging with new kinds of warfare.