Born in Ontario, Canada
The expected behaviours are to learn to speak, walk and gain the skills we need as we grow in this current social role. -
Period: to
Time line
From birth to the beginning of a career! -
Starting Public school
Starting at Caistor Centre Public School!
Transition into school is a big step for a kid and a momentous life event. Where we begin our journey through education. -
Rep soccer in Smithville!
Began to play soccer and being part of a team. Working with others and knowing my job as a team member. -
Starting High School
Starting at South Lincoln High School!
Transitioning to high school is scaring and exciting, a big life event and you really learn to know your jobs as a student. -
Getting a Job
I got a job at Tim Horton's!
A persons first job is a big step in life life. You must learn your role as team member, individual worker and what you must do to complete all that is needed to be accomplished in your Role. -
Graduating High School
Graduation from South Lincoln!
Graduation is a huge life event. It brings lots of change and new challenges and leaves you with big decisions ahead. -
Start University
I applied to Macmaster and Ottawa U!
Starting university is a huge transition and is essentially a start of "adulthood". Its a new environment with new jobs with the role of a student. -
Graduate University
A huge life event in a persons journey. Will be thrown into the "real world" and must learn to be a real self supporting citizen. -
Starting Career
Dream job of being a therapist!
Finding a career is hard work and is a big transition. For the first time in ones life you are not and school and are completely supporting yourself.