
Actividad integradora taller 3 y 4 lengua extrangera Zaid Varela Flores

  • Class schedule

    Class schedule
    my friends and I are going to create our class schedule
  • A gift

    A gift
    I´m going to buy a gift in the frikiplaza for my sister
  • Anime

    Im going to watch anime in bedroom all week
  • Go back home

    Go back home
    I'm going to back my town to spend the holidays with my family.
  • Period: to


    Everyday Im going to tend to the animals of mi father
  • Period: to


    Voy a cocinar para mi familia todos los días mientras estoy de vacaciones.
  • Horizon zero danw

    Horizon zero danw
    I am going to finish the game the horizon zero dawn 1 to buy the sequel
  • Re-registration

    I are going to re-register for the next semester at the BUAP
  • Period: to

    Help to my parents

    My sister and i are going to help to my parents in his work so they more repose
  • Period: to


    I am going to go to celebrate the posadas all week with my sisters
  • Movie marathon

    Movie marathon
    My family an I are going to watch a comedy movie marathon to have fun
  • Meet my friends

    Meet my friends
    I´m going to meet my friends in the park for play soccer
  • Period: to


    i´m going to play apex legends online every night with my friends
  • Posadas

    A group of neighbors and my family going to do a posada for the people of the town
  • Birthday party

    Birthday party
    We are going to celebrate the birthday of my sister and to give him a gift
  • Cook something delicious

    Cook something delicious
    I am going to cook a pozole to my sister for his birthday
  • Visit

    I am not going to visit my godfather this year because no save much money
  • Movie "Wonka"

    Movie "Wonka"
    My sister and i going to go the cinema to see "Wonka"
  • Dinner

    I am going to help my mother cook the dinner in Christmas Eve
  • Christmas

    We are going to celebrate a merry christmas in family in grandfather house
  • Visit my best friend

    Visit my  best friend
    I am not going to visit my best friend in his birthday because he going to visit his grandparents
  • New Year

    New Year
    I´m going to spend the New Year´s party with my family at my auntms house.
  • Have fun with my cousins

    Have fun with my cousins
    i and my cousins are going to play with firecrackers
  • San miguel

    San miguel
    im going to visit the town of San Miguel of the miracle
  • Hunt

    i and my uncles are going to hunter in ravines near the town
  • father

    I´m going to play pool with my father to spend time with him
  • kings thread

    kings thread
    My family are going to celebrate the 6 of january breaking the kings thread
  • Journey

    My family is going to travel to teotihuacan to see the pyramid of the sun and the moon
  • Visit a museum

    Visit a museum
    I and my friends are going to visit the museum the train in puebla capital
  • back to the university

    back to the university
    My sister and i are going to go back university to start a new semester