1 CE
Amy's parents decide to get frozen ,but before they do they leave Amy to make the choice to either get or not get frozen.
Elder thought the ship was exposed so he put the ship into lockdown.
Eldest believes he is ready to begin training and sends him to the quarter hall to research the causes of discord.
Elder finds out about the fourth floor and goes down to explore it.While down there he finds Amy in the cyro chamber still frozen. Doc catches Elder down there ,and calls eldest to retrieve him.
Amy gets unthawed ,and sets an alarm off. Elder an Doc rush down to the fourth floor and find Amy in the water drowning within it. They help her out of the box and found out she could have drowned while laying in the water.
Amy gets sent to the ward since she would disturb everyone else within the ship since she looked different. Doc tells Amy to try and find something to do with her time and advises her not to leave the ward. Yet, she does.
Eldest gets mad at Elder as he still has yet to find out the last cause of discord. Eldest finally informs Elder that the cause was individual thought.
Amy goes for a run ,and ends up surrounded by the people on the ship. Since she was different she stood out among them so everyone was looking at her.
Mating season begins ,and Amy gets ganged up on by Orion and other keepers. Harley saves Amy by chasing them off of her and takes her back to the ward. She asks Doc if he believes that is normal ,and he did not have an answer for it.
Eldest reveals to the ship the miscalculation of years. He informs them how long the ship will actually take to land in which it is 350 years.