Acontecimientos de los estados generales hasta que Napoleón es nombrado emperador.
The last general convocation.
It was composed for 1139 diputies. The opening of these general states (5/May/1789) marks the beginning of the French Revolution. -
Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen.
This recognizes the fundamental rights of man and citizen. Still remains in force. -
The reign of terror.
There were riots across the country, called the French Revolutionary Wars. Its were caused by French troops who were formed at that time. -
Death of Robespierre.
He was executed because he implanted extreme police mesures to prevent any counterrevolutionary action. With his death ended the Jacobin government. -
The beginning of the directory controlled by the gentry.
A new constitution is drawn very conservative. Jacobin rebbellion against the new government. -
Napoleon and the seizure of power.
Napoleon gives a coup and installed the Consulate. -
Promulgation of the Constitution of the year VIII.
The Constitution established an authoritian regime that concentrated power in the hands of Napoleon. -
Proclamation of the first empire and extinction of the first republic.
With it ends the French Revolution.