Stock Market Crash
On October 29th, 1929 the stock market crashed as a result of overvalued stocks. Thousands of investors lost money as the stocks were now only worth a small fraction of what they were. Companies went bankrupt and many Canadian's struggled to find any work and support their families during these tough times. -
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Canada's Achievements
Rise of Dictators
Dictatorship became a popular way of governing during the great depression because they made promises that were hard to ignore by the desperate civilians in the countries of Germany, Japan, Russia, Italy and spain. The rise of dictators in the 1930's was very significant to World War II and the countries involved as it created mass conflict and over powering of other people or countries (eg. Nazi Germany against Jewish people). -
The holocaust was the the anti-semetic acts of Nazi Germany towards the Jewish people. During the holocaust, Nazi Germany killed six million Jewish people, Adolf Hitler manipulated Nazi Germany into blaming the Jewish people for Germany's economic problems. This was significant to Canada as well as every country because they realized all the horrible events that tookplace and the discrimination towards the Jewish people and resulted in allied forces putting a stop to Nazi Germany. -
Appeasment of Hitler
After the end of the First World War, a treaty was created named the Treaty of Versailles to keep peace withen countries involved in the War. Germany thought the treaty was unfair in some ways, like army restrictions and economic debt. Germany started to disobey the treaty and do things like the invasion of Rhineland. Hitler and Nazi Germany only got stronger and resulted in the terrors of World War II. This was significant to Canada because they were greatly involved in the warfare of WWII. -
Dunkirk Miracle
Germany had the allied forces backed up on the coast of Dunkirk, in no position for another attack. The allied forces organized a retreat plan which brought over 300,000 allied troops accross the English channel and back to safety. This was significant to Canada and the rest of the allies as Germany was halted and time was earned for a future attack from the allies. -
Final Solution
First implemented in 1942 by a man named Heinrich Himmler, the Final Solution was a plan with the aim of exterminating all Jewish people living in World War 2. Led by Adolf Hitler, concentration and death camps were built all over Europe and were where thousands of innocent Jewish people died and suffered. -
Dieppe Raid
The very successful Dieppe raid gave the allies forces good location, inside intelligence, materials and the chance to destroy German camps. With most of the soldiers in the battle of Dieppe being Canadian, their contributions resulted in the raid being very successful and gave the allied forces good position in western Europe. -
Considered one of the greatest turn of events to ever take place during the second World War, the contribution of Canada's 3rd infantry division as well as the other allied forces led to the liberation of Europe and the stop to Nazi Germany. -
VE Day
Also known as "Victory Europe", VE day is the day of the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 8th, 1945. Canadian forces contributed greatly to the efforts of liberating Europe, Canada as well as the other allied forces were now able to continue to grow as their respective nations. -
The bombing of Hiroshima was the first ever use of the atomic bomb, deployed by the United States over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The use of the first atomic bomb was significant to not only Canada but to future warfare as these mass weapons were now a feared possibility.