
Achievement Hunter

By RDustin
  • AHWU

    AHWU, or Achievement Hunter Weekly Update is basicly gamer news. They talk about what games are comeing out. They also anounce community play dates where they play games with people from the community.
  • Achievement Horse

    Achievement Horse
    Achievement Horse is a competition between the crew of the Acievement Hunter Office. They take maps created in Halos Forge mode and see who can beat them first. It is just like a game of basketball HORSE.
  • A Look Back At

    A Look Back At
    A Look Back At takes a look at old games. It features mostly old arcaid games. The anouncer also gives his input on whether or not he wants it to have a remake.
  • Trials PIG

    Trials PIG
    Trials PIG is the same as Achievement HORSE. Except insted of using Halo it uses Trials Evolution. The maps are still created by the community.
  • Tials Files

    Tials Files
    Trials Files shows off community made Trials maps. The maps show the creativity of the comunity. Some of the maps are even better then the ones in the acual game.
  • Let's Play Minecraft

    Let's Play Minecraft
    The gang plunges into the world of Minecraft. They try to have compititions to see who can complet challenges first. Later on in the series they play for the Tower og Pimps, which is a tower of 4 gold blocks.