
AC History 5-Colby+Kat

By ColbyR
  • Maiden voyage of the Clermont steam ship

    Maiden voyage of the Clermont steam ship
    First voyage of the Clermont, which was the first steamship ever created. Its invention led to engine powered ships rather than sailing ships which required wind to operate.
  • Invention of the Steam Locomotive

    Invention of the Steam Locomotive
    Richard Trevithick designed the first commercial steam engine in 1802. It was opened for the commercial market in 1812 with the help of John Blenkinsop. Rail travel eventuality became one of the largest transportation industries at the time.
  • Creation of Lehigh Canal

    Creation of Lehigh Canal
    The completion of a canal built on the Lehigh Creek. It revolutionized the transportation of anthracite coal through the Lehigh Valley.
  • Invention of the Telegraph and Morse Code

    Invention of the Telegraph and Morse Code
    Samuel Morse's invention which sends a signal of sound over a wire. Revolutionized long distance communication making sending letters inferior,
  • Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    The first railroad to stretch from the east to the west coast of the United States. Before its completion travel from the east to west had to be done by horse back or boat travel. The railroad cut those travel times in more than half only taking three and a half days to travel 1,756 miles.
  • Creation of the first internal combustion engine automobile

    Creation of the first internal combustion engine automobile
    German inventor Karl Benz engineered and built the first commercial internal combustion engine vehicle. Improvements on his initial invention led to the creation of the multi-million dollar automotive industry due to the acceptability of later vehicles. His company is now known as Mercedes-Benz.
  • Wright Flier

    Wright Flier
    Day when the Wright brothers completed and successfully tested the first heavier-than-air flying machine. Air travel proved to be much faster than land travel leading to the creation of commercial flight
  • Creation of the first commercial plane

    Creation of the first commercial plane
    Charles Furnas became the first commercial airplane passenger when he flew with Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk in a modified version of their Wright Flier one year after its initial invention. Because of this event within the year 10 commercial airline companies opened within the year.
  • Invention of the Black and White Television

    Invention of the Black and White Television
    Philo Taylor Farmsworth invented the first functional electrical television at the age of 21. It allowed people to experience moving pictures at home rather than needing to travel for it.
  • Completion of Pennsylvania Turnpike

    Completion of Pennsylvania Turnpike
    When the 160 mile long turnpike that stretched from Carlisle to Irwin opened. It comprises of two tunnels which go through Laurel Hill. The turnpike was not 2 lane like most roads in America at the time. This created a new standard for roads being more than only 2-laned
  • Invention of the first personal computer

    Invention of the first personal computer
    Ed Roberts released his KENBAK-1 the first personal computer. It was designed to bring computing power to the homes of individuals
  • Creation of the World Wide Web

    Creation of the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee invented his World Wide Web to increase the availability of information on the internet. Before his invention finding information on the internet required coding experience. The World Wide Web was eliminated the need for having coding experience.
  • founded founded
    Originally created as an online book store, Amazon has expanded to become one of the worlds largest online retailers.
  • Invention of myspace

    Invention of myspace
    Myspace was the first internet social media. Myspace allowed people to connect without being near each other. It lasted until 2008 when its stocks crashed and it was eventually replaced by other social networking.
  • Invention of the Iphone

    Invention of the Iphone
    Date when Apple announced the release of their first touchscreen smartphone. This started an industry which has revolutionized the modern world.
  • Release of the Samsung Galaxy 1

    Release of the Samsung Galaxy 1
    First smart phone released by Samsung to use their open source Android operating system. The Android system soon later became a major factor and now it is used by nearly every smart phone company as a base software.