Ac Dec Section 2

By 157186
  • Period: to

    Monopoly over Trade of the EIC

    Queen Elizabeth gave monopoly trading access to India to the East India Company(EIC) in 1600; lasted until 1813
  • Thomas Roe obtained permission to build factory

    The English diplomat Thomas Roe obtained permission
    to build a factory (a depot to store goods before
    shipment) at Surat (in modern Gujarat) from the Mughal
    Empire in 1616. First interference from EIC in India
  • Period: to

    EIC was guest of Mughal Empire

    For a period of about fifty years,
    from 1617 till the 1660s, the EIC resided in India as
    a guest of the Mughal emperor. Its trade volume funded
    soldiers, and its increasing demand for textiles gave
    weavers across India employment. However, for the Mughal
    Empire, the EIC was not an important economic or
    political force.
  • EIC and Dutch East India Company set up shop in Hugli

    Competition between Dutch and British evident.
  • EIC purchased Madras from Indian Ruler

    Beginning of EIC dominance. Significant because the EIC was starting to become a realistic power in India.
  • Compagnie des Indes Orientales(French) founded

    Would have influence in India a decade later. Significant because it posed competition to the EIC.
  • EIC obtained Bombay from Portuguese

    More dominance of EIC. Significant because of the growing power of the EIC, which now owned a noteworthy part of India.
  • Compagnie des Indes Orientales secures Pondicherry

    The French trading company, the Compagnie des Indes
    Orientales (CIO), founded in 1664, secured the territory
    of Pondicherry in 1674. Then, over the next several decades,
    it acquired additional outposts at Chandernagore,
    near Calcutta, Masulipatnam on the Coromandel Coast,
    and Malabar. It grew far more quickly than the EIC, a
    “mushroom growth.” Significant because competition with EIC.
  • English Blockade

    In 1686, ten armed
    ships came from England and attempted to blockade
    the ports at Surat in modern Gujarat and Chittagong in
    Bangladesh. The Mughal state responded by blockading
    Bombay (now Mumbai), and the EIC had to concede
    and pay a large indemnity to the Mughal emperor in
    1690. Significant because this was the first official conflict between the Mughals and the British.
  • Period: to

    Raids on Surat in Gujarat by Shivaji

    , as
    the 1686–90 war and the Maratha warrior-king Shivaji’s
    earlier raids on Surat had shown.
  • EIC and Mughals were more peaceful

    By 1700, the EIC had reached a détente with the Mughal
    Empire: it was autonomous in Madras and at an
    uneasy and expensive peace in Calcutta and Bombay. Significant because conflict resolved.
  • EIC freed from Calcutta exports duty

    Emperor Farrukhsiyar gave EIC freedom from Calcutta exports. Gave EIC competitive edge over Dutch.
  • War of Austrian Succession

    Drew French and English onto different sides. Significant b.c conflict between French and English
  • Period: to

    French losing influence

    Significant b.c loss of French influence compared to English influence.
  • Battle of Plassey

    Battle between British and India, mostly in Calcutta(Gujarat). Resulted in British victory and Mir Jafar claiming Nawab's throne in Murshidabad. British were now establishing dominance over India itself.
  • Battle of Buxar

    EIC defeats Mir Kasim's army. Significant because Kasim became a puppet for the EIC.
  • Treaty of Allahabad

    Gave rights to EIC to diwani, or to collect taxes, in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. Significant b.c. EIC gained more power
  • Bengal Famines

    Famines in 1770 and 1783 in Bengal due to British experimentation. Significant bc people became distraught.
  • Asiatic Society in Bengal

    Founded by William Jones; orientalism. Significant because one method of looking at Indians.
  • Zamindar property seizure

    Enaxted in 1799, an act provided Zamindars(landowners) the ability to seize the land of tenants who paid late or couldn't pay at all. Significant because it gave Zamindars more power and peasants were in a dilemma.
  • Battle of Seringapatnam

    Tipu Sultan lost to EIC -> made a treaty.
  • Treaty of Bassein

    Forced Marathas into subsidiary alliance. Significant because this was the BEGINNING(Marathas would formally end later) of the end of the Maratha interference in India.
  • A Missionary imprisoned

    EIC forebade missionaries in India. Significant because it demonstrates that the EIC's purpose was not to spread religion.
  • Book - "History of British India"

    Written by Mill - showed Utilitarianism, a view opposing orientalism.
  • Defeat of Marathas

    In 1818, the Marathas, who had threatened the Indian borders for centuries through invasion, lost their territory to the EIC.
  • Hindu College founded

    In 1818, colonial officers founded the Hindu College which was intended to educate Indians in english. The name of the college suggests Orientalist creators, as it implies a preservation of Hindu culture while a gaining of English language.
  • Brahmo Samaj founded

    In 1828, the Brahmo Samaj was founded. It was an organization dedicated to presenting a more modern view of Hinduism as opposed to the millenia old traditional religion. Roy was the founder.
  • Language of governance changes from Persian to English

    In 1835, under the British government, the official language of India changes from Persian to English, mostly due to Utilitarian sentiments and the thought that the British needed to educate India in English ways.
  • Besiegement of British troops in Afghanistan

    In 1842, the British soldiers in Kabul, Afghanistan lost to 16,000 soldiers. This is very significant because it shows the weaknesses of the British as well as the imperial strategy of greedily taking land failing.
  • Governor-General Dalhousie arrives in India

    In 1848, the Governor General Dalhousie arrives in India with a Utilitarian mindset. The policies of Dalhousie further lit the Indian quest for independence.
  • Santhal Rebellion

    In a part of Bengal called Four Brothers, or present day Jharkand, a rebellion was led againt the colonial state. Significant because it further weakened the British state in India.
  • Blue Mutiny

    In Bengal, a mutiny occurred because the British were coercing the peasants to cultivate indigo, as it was a highly profitable crop. After the mutiny, British policies were required to change.
  • Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

    A massacre that took place at Amritsar in Punjab. British soldiers fired on peacefully protesting Indians. Significant because this showed the British abuse of the Indians to the rest of the world, and also futher ignited the question of India for independence.