
  • Period: Oct 26, 1491 to Oct 26, 1547

    King Henry VIII Tudor

    King Henry's life.
  • Period: Oct 26, 1509 to Oct 26, 1547

    King Henry VIII Tudor

    King of England
  • Period: Oct 26, 1516 to Oct 26, 1558

    Mary I Tudor

    Years Lived
  • May 21, 1527

    Philip II- Haspburg

    Philip II- Haspburg
  • Oct 26, 1533

    King Henry VIII Tudor

    King Henry VIII Tudor
    First Divorce was King Henry Divorced Catherine of Aragon.
  • Period: Oct 28, 1533 to

    Elizabeth I Tudor

    Years lived
  • Oct 26, 1534

    King Henry VIII Tudor

     King Henry VIII Tudor
    Anglican church was started.
  • Period: Oct 26, 1537 to Oct 26, 1553

    Edward VI Tudor

    Years Lived.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1543 to

    Louis XIV- Bourbon

    Years he ruled:
  • Period: Oct 28, 1547 to Oct 29, 1553

    Edward VI Tudor

    King of England and Ireland.
  • Period: Oct 26, 1553 to Oct 26, 1558

    Mary I Tudor

    Queen of England, During this time she got the nick name "Bloody Mary"
  • Period: Jul 25, 1554 to Nov 17, 1558

    Philip II- Haspburg

    Marriage of Mary I
  • Oct 26, 1554

    Elizabeth I Tudor

    Left the golden age.
  • Oct 26, 1554

    Mary I Tudor

    Mary I Tudor
    Married Phillip II
  • Period: Jan 1, 1556 to

    Philip II- Haspburg

    Years he ruled:
  • Period: Oct 26, 1558 to

    Elizabeth I Tudor

    First Queen of England.
  • Spanish Armada

  • Elizabeth I Tudor

    Elizabeth I Tudor
    Defeated Spanish Armada.
  • Philip II- Haspburg

  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
  • Charles I- Stuarts

  • Charles I- Stuarts

    When Parliament became a thing:
  • Period: to

    Charles I- Stuart

    Years he ruled:
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Elected to the Parliament:
  • Charles I- Stuarts

    The Puritans left England out of fear:
  • Charles II- Stuarts

    Charles II- Stuarts
  • Louis XIV- Bourbon

    Louis XIV- Bourbon
  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell

    Won the English Civil War:
  • Charles I- Stuarts

  • William- Orange

    William- Orange
  • Oliver Cromwell

  • Mary- Orange

    Mary- Orange
  • Peter the Great- Romanov

    Peter the Great- Romanov
  • Period: to

    William & Mary- Orange

    Years of Marriage:
  • Louis XIV- Bourbon

    When the Palace of Versailles was built:
  • Charles II- Stuarts

  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

  • English Bill of Rights

    When it was written:
  • Mary- Orange

  • William & Mary- Orange

    Year they started ruling together
  • William- Orange

  • Peter the Great- Romanov

    Moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg:
  • Frederick the Great- Hohenzollern

    Frederick the Great- Hohenzollern
  • Louis XIV- Bourbon

  • Peter the Great- Romanov

  • Frederick the Great- Hohenzollern
