Period: to
Born in Maassluis, The Netherlands
University at Leiden
Calvin- a Lasco studies
Reads heir of Redclyffe
Doctorate on Calvin and a Lasco 1863
Supervised by J. H. Schloten -
Minister at Beesd
Encounters the pious 'malcontents at Beesd
Period: to
Beesd years
Begins correspondance with Groen van Prinsterer
Pastor at Utrecht
Resigns seat in parliament
Period: to
Utrecht years
Meets Groen van prinsterer
Starts writing for De Heraut
Moves to Amsterdam to be pastor of Hermvorde Kerk
Editor in chief of De Heraut
Produces De Standaard as a daily newspaper
Stands for election
Leaves pastorate to enter politics
Travels to see D L Moody at work in Brighton
ARP first national political party under Kuyper
Takes seat in 2nd chamber -resigns as church minister
Free University founded
Period: to
Free University professorship
His son dies age 9
Christian Reformed Church forms
1834 and 1886 secessions join to form CRC -
Re-elected to House of representatives
Stone lectures on Calvinism in USA
Wife dies
South-African crisis
Period: to
Queen Wilhemina gravely ill
Rail strikes
Russia-China war breaks out
Higher Education Law enacted
Period: to
Tour of the Mediteranean
Honary title 'Minister of state'
2000th issue of De Heraut