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About WW2

  • Period: to

    World War two principal events

    It's the conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. The axis and allies powers participated
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The German invasion of Poland took place the 1st of september of 1939 and was a military action led by Nazi Germany aimed at annexing Polish territory. It was s a primer on how Hitler intended to wage war, what would become the “blitzkrieg” strategy
  • Germany attacks France

    Germany attacks France
    The 10th May 1940 Germany attaks France by hitler's order who believed that their Blitzkrieg tactics and their superior firepower would quickly over power the French and allied forces. Was significant because they neutralized a key element of France's defense strategy
  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
    The battle of Britain started the 10th of July of 1940 in British air territory and the English channel carried out by the German Luftwaffe against the RAF because if they defeated it they could get a successful amphibious invasion. It was the first major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces, also the largest and most sustained aerial bombing campaign to that date and marked the first defeat of Hitler's military forces.
  • Hitler sends the Afrika Korps to North Africa

    Hitler sends the Afrika Korps to North Africa
    In January 1941, Adolf Hitler established the Afrika Korps for the explicit purpose of helping his Italian Axis partner maintain territorial gains in North Africa. This fact was important because they supported the German forces
  • Operation Barbarossa begins

    Operation Barbarossa begins
    The Operation Barbarossa begins When Adolf Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. Barbarossa was the crucial turning point in World War II, for its failure forced Nazi Germany to fight a two-front war against a coalition possessing immensely superior resources
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Was a preemptive military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu (Hawaii) who took place the 7 th December 1941. Is significant because it was a preventive action to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions.
  • US and British troops land on the beaches of Algeria and Morocco

    On November 8, 1942, the military forces of the United States and the United Kingdom launched an amphibious operation against French North Africa in order to draw Axis forces away from the Eastern Front and was important because it was the first major operation carried out jointly by the U.S. and the U.K. during WW2
  • Allied troops land on the beaches of Salerno

    Allied troops land on the beaches of Salerno
    The Allies Armies and Commanders landed near the port of Salerno during the Operation Avalanche on 9 September 1943 in order to achieve Its primary objectives of seize the port of Naples to ensure resupply, and to cut across to the east coast, trapping Axis troops further south.
  • D-Day

    The D-Day took place the 6 of June of 1944 at Normandy, France in order to take the necessary soldiers that were in that territory and the decision was made in washington. It was important because less than a year after the invasion, the Allies formally accepted Nazi Germany's surrender.
  • Paris liberated by the allies

    Paris liberated by the allies
    Allied troops rolled into Paris on August 25, 1944, liberating the French capital after more than four years of Nazi occupation. Was important because altough Paris no longer had military value, except for its bridges by which fleeing German remnants could cross the Seine.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    The 30 of April of 1945 in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in the temple along with his wife who did it by poisoning himself with cyanide due to the collapse of his empire.
  • Dropping of first atom bomb on Hiroshima

    Dropping of first atom bomb on Hiroshima
    The 6th of August of 1945 an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first atom bomb on Hiroshima (japan). President Harry S. Truman ordered that the new weapon be used to bring the war to a speedy end.
  • Japan formally surrenders

    Japan formally surrenders
    The 2nd of september of 1945 representatives from the Japanese government and Allied forces assembled aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay to sign the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. The importance of this document is that effectively ended World War II.