about me

  • 9/11

    This was the tragic attack on the twin towers when two planes flew into both the twin towers in New York City. A plane also crashed into the pentagon in Washington D.C. If this did not happen I would not be born. My dad would have moved to Florida but was unable to fly because of this event. This caused my mom and dad to get back together and boom I happened.
  • Birth of ME

    I was born on May 15, 2003 and Lutheran Hospital.
  • Google Went Public

    Google Went Public
    Google went public today. It quickly became one of the most popular media companies.
  • First steps

    First steps
    First steps, I took my first steps in my living room of the house I live in right now.
  • Dad moves to Florida

    Dad moves to Florida
    My dad moved to Florida. He didn't want to stay in Indiana because he hated the cold.
  • First Dog

    First Dog
    I got my first dog today her name was candy my family got her from a breeder. She is a laboradoodle she was a puppy when we got her. I have grown up with her basically my whole life.
  • First Jalapeno

    First Jalapeno
    I was at my Birthday party at Chucky Cheese. My dad ordered a pizza with jalapenos on it and I went to eat the pizza. He said Ashley don't eat those they are hot and I felt the jalapeno and said its not hot and ate it.
  • First Day of First Grade

    First Day of First Grade
    The first time I went to first grade. I went to Towles Elementary and stayed there until high school.
  • First Hurricane

    First Hurricane
    I was in Florida when Hurricane hit. I was canoeing in the backyard and our house almost flooded.
  • Parker Owens

    Parker Owens
    My nephew Parker was born today. I went to Park View Hospital out north and waited until he was born.
  • Dads death

    Dads death
    My dad sadly past away. I have nothing more to say.
  • Softball

    This is the first time I tried out for softball and I made the team. I have played for two years now and I plan on trying out this year too.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I had my interview and started at Kingston Health Care. I work as a dietary aid in the kitchen.
  • Drivers Permit

    Drivers Permit
    I took my test and the BMV and got my learners permit. I only took me one time to pass the test.