About Me

  • I was born.

    I was born in Ann arbor Michigan. My parents named me Aanya.
  • I turned 1

    My first birthday. It was very grand
  • First time in school

    I started Montessori. My first day of school.
  • 5th Birthday

    My 5th birthday. First day of kindergarten.
  • Piano

    Started playing piano. I liked it a lot.
  • New school

    I moved to a new school. I turned 9.
  • 11th Birthday

    Went to a public school for the first time. Turned 11.
  • Braces

    I got braces. I hated them.
  • Volleyball

    I started playing volleyball. I found something new I liked.
  • 7th Grade

    Second day of 7th grade. I turned 12.
  • Vacation

    We went to Puerto Rico. We went with friends and had a lot of fun.
  • 13 Years Old

    I turned 13. My friends threw me a surprise party.
  • School

    We started school online. I was sad we were doing online instead of in person.
  • Volleyball team

    I got onto the volleyball team for school. We started practice the next day.