About me

  • My birth

    I was Born the 14/01/2005 in rome
  • When I was learned to walk

    I was learned at 15 monta old
  • When I started talking

    I started talking weel shortly after taking my first steps then ag 16 months
  • The birth of my brother

    When I was about Two years old my Trotter alessandro was born
  • My first day of school

    I started gong to school a year after my Trotter was born,at three years old
  • Period: to

    The birth of my sister

    Shortly after finishing the school maternal my sister was born in july.
    So i had another person to play whit
  • My firs day of elementary school

    When I was six years old i want to elementary school. I dont remember much of that day but surely i was very excited
  • I start of my competitive

    In fifty grade i started competitive waterpolo
  • The start of middle school

    I remember perfectly the first day of middle school. Was very excited but also little warried about the pat i was taking
  • the school field done in second grade

    in second grade I did my first school camp in Tuscany.
    it was a lot of fun and certainly a positive experience
  • Exams

    in third grade I had to take my first state exam consisting of written and oral. I was very agitated and I was afraid of making a mistake.
  • The first day of high school

    during my first high school day I was happy to start a new path.
    I was worried that day but I was sure I would have known new friends to share this path with. I settled in immediately making friends with everyone.
  • Future

    I hope to have many other experiences that I have not had the opportunity to do during my life.