
About Me!

By Jteekel
  • My Grand Entrence

    My Grand Entrence
    I was born on Thanksgiving Day 1984. Apparently my mother did not get turkey that day.
  • My First Fair

    My First Fair
    My mom couldn't ride the rides because of her motion sickness. My dad got promoted to "safety net".
  • Halloween

    Although this is not my first Halloween, it is the first one I remember.
  • My Second Birthday

    My Second Birthday
    If only I knew all of the cake I was eating then would go to my thighs.
  • The End of Being an Only Child

    The End of Being an Only Child
    My only sibling, Kevin was born. I actually liked him in this pictutre. He must have been sleeping through the night here.
  • McDonald's Birthday Party

    McDonald's Birthday Party
    You didn't live as a child in the late 80's or early 90's unless you had a birthday party at McDonald's. This was my fifth birthday.
  • Swim Lessons

    Swim Lessons
    I love to swim and this is a picture form my first session of lessons.
  • My First Cheer Picture

    My First Cheer Picture
    This was my first year to cheer in middle school. Our principal was very strict on dress code and skirt length. We were often made fun of by other squads because our skirts touched our knees.
  • LSU Football with the BFF's

    LSU Football with the BFF's
    This is what happens when you give four 8th grade girls powered sugar after an LSU football game.
  • My Last Middle School Football Game

    My Last Middle School Football Game
    This was the last football game of my 8th grade year. We played Denham Springs Jr. High.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    One of many giant footsteps in my education career.
  • Last Day of Methods Class

    Last Day of Methods Class
    My fellow 4-8 friends. Several of us are still really close and great professional contacts.
  • Alaskan Cruise

    Alaskan Cruise
    My first cruise. I loved all of the cool things I was able to partciapte in such as rock climbing.
  • Last Day of Student Teaching

    Last Day of Student Teaching
    The last day of student teaching at Live Oak Middle School. These were some of my 7th grade science students.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    I gradusated with my B.S. in Elementary Education grades 4-8. Yay!
  • GAT

    Gymnastics Association of Texas Conference 2008! I love conferences.
  • National Middle School Conference

    National Middle School Conference
    These were some interesting fellows outside of my hotel. I promise I got much more out of the conference then their signs.
  • Quarter of a Century Crisis

    Quarter of a Century Crisis
    I thought instead of a mid-life crisis, I would have a quarter of a century crisis with my best friend. We went to Mexico.
  • Masters of Education

    Masters of Education
    I finally graduated with my masters in Educational Leadership!
  • I Made It Into a Magazine?!

    I Made It Into a Magazine?!
    This is the picture that appeared in Baton Rouge Parent's Magazine for one of the outstanding teachers in the BR area. Needless to say I was a little excited.
  • My First Hornet's Game

    My First Hornet's Game
    My first New Orleans Hornet's game. I got to meet the biggest fans of the night. They dress up for every game and are often featured on the ticket stubbs!
  • My Brother's Wedding

    My Brother's Wedding
    My little brother got married and I gained a sister! I always wanted one of those!