Comstuck Law of 1873.
The Comstock Law of 1873 was a federal law that made it a crime to sell or distribute materials that could be used for contraception or abortion. -
Jane Roe Seeks Abortion.
21 year old Jane Roe first seeked abortion, then filed a suit against Defendant Henry Wade in Dallas, Texas district court. The Texas court favored Roe but the case got sent to the Supreme Court. -
District Court files Opinion.
Distric Court of Dallas,Texas filed their judgements and opinion of the case and suggested that the case go to the Supreme Court. -
Supreme First Heard Case.
The case of Roe vs. Wade was decided to be sent into its first round of arguments by the United States Supreme Cour -
Roe Vs. Wade.
Roe v Wade was passed and declared that the right of privacy included “a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.” -
Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth.
In Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth, the court, by a 6-3 vote, says states cannot give husbands veto power over their pregnant wives' decision to abort their pregnancies. By a 5-4 vote, the court says parents of minor, unwed girls cannot be given an absolute veto over abortions. -
Abortion Pill.
Chemist Georges Teutsch synthesized Mifepristone in April 1980.A pill with in addition to Misoprostol terminated pregnacy. -
Number of Abortions This Year...so far.
359,704.6 Abortions in 2013.