
Abortion History.

  • Comstuck Law of 1873.

    Comstuck Law of 1873.
    The Comstock Law of 1873 was a federal law that made it a crime to sell or distribute materials that could be used for contraception or abortion.
  • Jane Roe Seeks Abortion.

    Jane Roe Seeks Abortion.
    21 year old Jane Roe first seeked abortion, then filed a suit against Defendant Henry Wade in Dallas, Texas district court. The Texas court favored Roe but the case got sent to the Supreme Court.
  • District Court files Opinion.

    District Court files Opinion.
    Distric Court of Dallas,Texas filed their judgements and opinion of the case and suggested that the case go to the Supreme Court.
  • Supreme First Heard Case.

    Supreme First Heard Case.
    The case of Roe vs. Wade was decided to be sent into its first round of arguments by the United States Supreme Cour
  • Roe Vs. Wade.

    Roe Vs. Wade.
    Roe v Wade was passed and declared that the right of privacy included “a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.”
  • Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth.

    In Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth, the court, by a 6-3 vote, says states cannot give husbands veto power over their pregnant wives' decision to abort their pregnancies. By a 5-4 vote, the court says parents of minor, unwed girls cannot be given an absolute veto over abortions.
  • Abortion Pill.

    Abortion Pill.
    Chemist Georges Teutsch synthesized Mifepristone in April 1980.A pill with in addition to Misoprostol terminated pregnacy.
  • Number of Abortions This far.

    Number of Abortions This far.
    359,704.6 Abortions in 2013.