
  • Abortions

    Abortion Definitionwhat is an abortion you may ask? It's the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy." It's been argued for many years; whether to have abortions as a legal right, but it has also been opposed. This photograph is giving us an open view on both sides.
  • Oppose Abortions & Pro choice Abortions

    Oppose Abortions & Pro choice Abortions
    Its been an argument for centuries. Should woman have the right to terminate a pregnancy? Or should it be considered a crime/felony to terminate a pregnancy? This political cartoon is portraying how woman consider abortions as a "womens rights" although it may be true in a way, but theres the opposing side, where terminating a pregnacy is considered murder. Why? Well its still human. So why do the inhumane ?
  • The First Statutory Abortion

    Americas first required abortion is enacted in connecticut, to protect women from abortions.
  • National Drive

    Dr Horatio established a national drive. (AMA) American MEdical Association. It was to end the firt trimester in abortions. In most of states having aboritons was legal.
  • Comstock Act

    The comstock Act banned access to information about abortions and birth control.
  • AMA

    Abortions are maintained by the AMA . The AMA says that you're allowed to continue the proccess of abortions only if your life is at stake. This map shows a visual representation of where abortions are legal.
  • Abortion methods

    This was the year that the vacum aspiration style had spread throughout europe and was considered a safer method that the traditional methods.
  • Society for Human Abortions

    In 1963, Society for Human Abortions was established in San Francisco, it challenged the law by providing facts/ information about abortions to the people.
  • First convicted

    In 49 states abortion is considered a felony. Being so Dr. Leon Belous was convicted for refferring a women to an illegal abortion. This cas follows to 1969 in the California Supreme court where the decision was in favor of the right to choose abortion.
  • Supreme court

    President Kennedy followed up on the abortion rights and created the Presidential Avisory Council for women. He soon called for the repeal of abortion laws.
  • second conviction

    Dr. Jane Hudgson is convicted in minesota for performing an abortion on a twenty-three year old women. This case was taken to court, but the judge did NOT submit the case to the supreme court.
  • Comstock

    Comstock Act forbidded information on abortion to be repealed. Although abortions under specific conditions are allowed in 14 states. and 4 states were guarenteed a woman the choice abortions.
  • Roe V.S Wade

    Norma McCorvey, was an unmarried pregnant women in texas. She challenged a state law "an abortion unless a womens life is at stake to protect her pravacy." (AMA) Norma name was changed to "Jane Roe" in all of the supreme documents.
    The supreme court gave women the right to "terminate a pregnacy" through the process of abortions.The supreme court granted this right due to the womens right to privacy law by the AMA.
  • Hyde Amedment

    Congress passed the "Hyde Amedment" which banned the use of medical and other federal funds for abortions. The legislation became sudden by the supreme court in 1980.
  • Petition

    Bellotti V.s Balld, The Supreme court ruled that pregnant minors can petition court for permission to have an abortion without a parentals notification.
  • court strikes

    The Court stikes down an akron ordinance in which it requires that doctors to give abortion patients anti abortion literature. in between a 24 hour waiting period. this required the aborted fetus to be "disposed" in a human matter.
  • Webster vs Reproductive Health Service

    This was a law in washington that opposed "Life begins at conception and barring the use of public facillities for abortions is found unconstitutional. it marks the first time the supreme court didnt confirm the "Roe vs Wade" case.
  • Planned parenthood V.s Casey

    The court confirms roes holding that state can not ban abortions or have any interference with a womans decision to have an abortion or not. This led to a huge turning point in 1993.
  • Turning Points

    Michael Griffin an Abortion Protestor was sentenced to death after shooting Dr David Gunn outside a clinic in pensacola during the march demonstrations. That same month Rachelle Shelley Shannon was sentenced for 11 years in prison for shooting Dr George in the arm as he was leaving the clinic in wichitakah.
  • Convicted

    Former minister Paul J Hill was convicted of murder and sentenced to death; responsible for the death of Dr Bayard Britton
    That same month Joh Salvi walked into an abortion clinic with a rifle and killed 2 receptionists and wounded 5 others. Later in 1996 John Salvi killed himself in prison.
  • Jane Roe

    Jane roe the women who didnt get to have her abortion because of the court rulling coming in late. Jane was befriended by the National director of the anti abortion group operation rescue.
  • Congress passes the Bill

    The abortion debate moved to state bans for partial birth abortions. This inducated late tern abortions, by using the vaccume and dialation methods. Later the congress passed Hr1833 this bill prohibited those methods.
  • bomb in abortion clinic

    Outside an Atlantic building that had an abortion building was blasted by 2 bombs. Leaving 6 people injured, and dismebaling the building for good.