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Aboriginal rights

  • Woodland Royal Commision

    Woodland Royal Commision
    In 1974 the Woodland Royal Commision established princeples justice on the land rights. It recommended that that Adoriginal Land Councles be established to represent the land claims of Aboriginal communities.
  • Racial Discrimination Act

    Racial Discrimination Act
    In 1975 the Racial Discrimination Act was passed in federal parliment.
  • Gurindji people win

    Gurindji people win
    In 1975 the Gurindji people won the first land rights claim, where their land was handed back to them by Prime Minister Whitlam
  • Aboriginal State Govenor

    Aboriginal State Govenor
    In 1976 in South Australia, Pastor Sir Douglas Nicholls became Australia's first Aboriginal state Gevenor.
  • Pitjantjara land back

    Pitjantjara land back
    In 1981 the Sounth Australian Government handed the Pitjantjara lands back to their traditonal owners.
  • New South Wales Aboriginal Land Rights Act

    New South Wales Aboriginal Land Rights Act
    In 1983 the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Rights Act started a process by which the state government could buy back Aboriginal groups.
  • Uluru handed back

    Uluru handed back
    In 1985, Uluru was handed back to its Aboriginal owners in the Northern Territory