White Settlers arrived
Period: to
Frontier Wars
Commonwealth of Australia formed
Commonwealth of Australia formed. Indigenous Australians are excluded from the census and the lawmaking powers of the Commonwealth Parliament. White Australia Policy. Indigenous people are excluded from the vote, pensions, employment in post offices, enlistment in Armed Forces, maternity allowance. -
Day of Mourning
Day of Mourning held by the Aborigines League (est 1932) and the Aborigines Progressive Association (1937). It is the first major protest by Indigenous people. The manifesto “Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights” and the newspaper “Abo Call” are published. -
Australian Citizenship Act
Australian Citizenship Act gives Indigenous Australians the vote in Commonwealth elections if they are enrolled for State elections or have served in the Armed Forces. -
National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) formed
National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) formed with support from Federal and State Governments, churches and major Indigenous organisations. Its aim is to promote Aboriginal Sunday as a day to draw community attention to Indigenous people in Australia. -
The Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines Campaign Begins
The Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines (later the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders) begins a ten year campaign to end Constitution's discrimination against Indigenous people. -
Given Commonwealth vote
All Indigenous people are given the vote in Commonwealth elections. -
Indigenous Australians Included in Census
Referendum held – 90.7% of Australians vote YES to count Indigenous Australians in the census and to give the Commonwealth Government the power to make laws for them. -
Period: to
Aboriginal Legal Service and Aboriginal Medical Service
Aboriginal Legal Service and Aboriginal Medical Service set up in Redfern (grassroots activists include Mum Shirl, Fr Ted Kennedy), along with Aboriginal Housing Company. Neville Bonner becomes the first Indigenous member of Parliament when he filled a casual Senate vacancy. -
Tent Embassy established, Self-determination policy, Neville Bonner elected
Tent Embassy established outside Parliament House. It adopts the Indigenous flag. Whitlam Government elected; White Australia policy abolished. Department of Aboriginal Affairs established. Self-determination adopted as policy for Indigenous people. Neville Bonner is elected on the Liberal Party ticket in Queensland. -
Gurindji people given back title, Racial Discrimination Act 1975 passed, Aboriginal Day extended to National Aborigines Week
Whitlam hands back title to Gurindji people. Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) passed. Aboriginal Day extended to National Aborigines Week. -
Aboriginal Land Rights Act (NT)
Pat O'Shane
Pat O'Shane becomes the first Indigenous law graduate and barrister. -
Oil Protest
Indigenous people at Noonkanbah protest against an American oil company's test drilling for oil. The WA Supreme Court grants an injunction, but tests eventually go ahead. -
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW)
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) recognizes dispossession and displacement. -
Uluru handed back to traditional owners. -
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Hawke sets up Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. -
Bicentenary protest
Bicentenary protest sees tens of thousands march on Australia Day. NADOC changes its name to include Torres Strait Islanders; it is now NAIDOC. -
ATSIC established. -
NAIDOC wound up as ATSIC assumes responsibility for NAIDOC Week;. -
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Report
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody presents report. 339 recommendations, with the final recommendation being that a formal process of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia be undertaken. Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation established by Act of Parliament – to have a 10 year-lifespan. -
Mabo Decsion, Survival Day, Paul Keating
Mabo decision by the High Court overturns terra nullius and rules that native title exists over unalienated Crown land, national parks and reserves. First “Survival Day” concert held at La Perouse (in 1998 the event moves to Waverley Oval near Bondi Beach). 10 Dec: Paul Keating's Redfern Park speech for the launch of the United Nations International Year for the World's Indigenous People -
Native Title Act.
Native Title Act. -
HREOC National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
HREOC National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families announced. -
Howard Government elected, Wik Decision, Pauline Hanson, Commonwealth Parliament
Howard Government elected. The High Court rules in the Wik decision that native title and pastoral leases can co-exist. Pauline Hanson and her One Nation Party campaign against what they say is “special treatment” for Aboriginal people. Commonwealth Parliament makes statement of commitment to Reconciliation. -
Bringing Them Home, PM Howard, Sea of Hands
Bringing Them Home, the report of the inquiry into the Stolen Generations, is released.recommends national sorry day to commemorate the history and effects of removing children from their families. PM Howard, personal apology to the Stolen Generations, refuses official apology on behalf of Australia. National Reconciliation Conference on 27th May, hundreds of people turn their backs on Howard during his speech, protest refusal to apologise.
“Sea of Hands” outside Parliament House -
Native Title Amendment Act, First National Sorry Day, John Howard re-elected
Native Title Amendment Act 1998 is passed; seen by many to reduce native title rights for Indigenous people. First National Sorry Day – over 1 million signatures collected in Sorry Books. John Howard & Liberals re-elected; commits to reconciliation by 2001 in his election victory speech. -
Corroboree, Handover of Document for Reconciliation
Corroboree 2000. Handover of Document for Reconciliation at Sydney Opera House, more than 300 000 join in the Bridge Walk. -
Abolish ATSIC, Redfern Riot, Palm Island Riot
Federal Government introduces legislation to abolish ATSIC. TJ Hickey is killed while being followed by police – the Redfern Riot erupts. Mulrunji Doomadgee dies in police custody, sparking a riot on Palm Island. -
ATSIC abolished, National Indigenous Council to replace, NIC not elected
ATSIC abolished; National Indigenous Council to replace and advise. NIC is not elected, meets four times a year. -
Aden Ridgeway
Aden Ridgeway chairperson of National NAIDOC committee -
intervention into Northern Territory Indigenous communities
Howard Government announces its intervention into Northern Territory Indigenous communities. -
Sorry Apology
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says 'Sorry' to the Stolen Generations. -
Plans to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution
Prime Minister Julia Gillard announces plans to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution.