Aboriginal Issues

  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    Royal Proclamation of 1763 The Royal Proclamation set out guide lines for the Aboriginal Peoples of North America. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 declared that "any lands whatever, which, not having been ceded to or purchase by us,... are reserved for the... Indians".
  • Reserve System

    Reserve System
    A Brief History of First Nations History Indian Reservation System created reserves set aside for “Indians” to live on. Both the residential school systems and reserve systems are created with the intention to assimilate, civilize and Christianize Indians.
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    The Indian ActIndian Act was created as a policy that focuses on the assimilation of Aboriginals into society. One of the main goals was to radicate the Aboriginal traditions.
  • Aboriginal Right to Universal Suffrage

    Aboriginal Right to Universal Suffrage
    Aboriginal Right to Universal Sufferage In 1960, Aboriginal peoples were given the right to vote in federal elections. This was the last group to gain this right in Canada.
  • Quiet Revolution Begins in Quebec

    Jean Lesage (Liberal) replaces Duplessie & begings modernizing the economy, politics, culture and education.
    1962 Liberals win the election bycampaiging under Maitres ches nous masters of our own house. aim to strengthen Quebecs economy.
    Separatism is born: FLQ is born radical terrorist group seeking freedom for Quebce
  • Canada's Maple leaf flag flies for the first time

    The debate divided Canadians as the French in Quebec wanted the fleur de lis to remain as part of a symbol of Canada. Ultimatley the maple leaf won.
  • Canada's Immigration policy becomes colour blind

    Review: ww1 to 1960s Canada has restrictive immigration policy. Br. Northern Europeans and Americans preferred.
    In 1992 immigration policy to remove most limitations on Asian Africian ect.
    By 1967, it was deemed colour blinf because ther was a points system of criteria for entry.
    Canadian Economey required people with training and specific skills.
  • National Indian Brotherhood & Native Council of Canada Formed

    National Indian Brotherhood  & Native Council of Canada Formed
    National Indian BrotherhoodNational Indian Brotherhood was formed to represent Status Indians. The Native Counsil fo Canada was created to represent non status indians and metis. This caused Trudeaus government to withdrawl from the white paper
  • White Paper

    White Paper
    White Paper in Indian Policy The Federal Government of Canada indroduced the White Paper bill which would eliminate Indian Status. The bill written under Pierre Trudeau stated new recommendations including: the Indian Act be repealed, Aborigional peoples being incontrol of their land, and that the Canadian Governemtn take the same responsibility over Aboriginal peoples and every other citizen.
    End special status.
  • Official Languages Act Passed

    Lester B. Pearson PM during Quiet Recolution & established the Royal Commission on BIlingualism and Biculturalism to investigate solutions.
    Commissions recommended that Canada should be officially bulingual.
  • 1969 Residential School System Abolished.. but not all closed

    1969 Residential School System Abolished.. but not all closed
    Where are the Children
    Between 1831 and 1969, residential schools operated in Canada through arrangements between the Government of Canada and the church. This partnership ended in 1969, with the Government of Canada taking over the management of residential schools and beginning to transfer control to Indian bands. The last federally-run residential school, Gordon Indian Residential School in Punnichy, Saskatchewan, closed in 1996.
  • October Crisis

    FLQ uses fire bombns and explosives to attack symbols of English Canadian power throughout the 1960s (mail boxes, CN railways).
    Oct 5 1970 FLQ kidnapped James Cross. Br diplomat from his Montreal home. They would only release him under specific regulations.. the police release jailed FLQ members ect.
    FLQ then kidnapped Quebec labour minister Pierre Laporte.
  • War Measures Act

    Trudeau asks parliamannt to impose the war measures act- civil rights suspended. THis meant that anyone could be detained and arrested without being charged with an offense. Membership to the FLQ became a crime.
    Pierre Laporte's body was found in a car.. this made more presure for the government to stop the FLQ.
  • Multi-Culturalism Policy Introduced

    PM Trudeau introduced the Official Policy of Multicultralism.
    Encourages people to express their cultures. multicultural activities, festivals..ect.
    1976- immigration policy allows for sponcership of new immigrants this results in canada becoming increasingly international.
    1988 Dept of Multiculturalism created. supporters of it felt that it brought Canada together makein it mosaic. Critics felt that it hindered with the creation of a national identity that would be better to assimilate
  • Bill 22

    Liberal Premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa introduces this bill which maks French the official language of Quebec.
    Reason for this is that the french birth rated declining but immigration was increasing.. didnt want the french language to disapear. Students in Quebec had to pass and english test before registering in english schools. Hard to pass due to french being official language.
  • PQ in power

    Quebec votes Parti Quebecois in power as provincial government (Rene Levesque). Promised quebec speeration by holding a referendum.
  • Bill 101

    PQ passed bill 101 aka the 'charter of the french language'. replaced bill 22. Made French the only official language... every sign (store or gov run) had to be changed to french.
    One side felt french culture ws endangered. Many felt that bill 101 was opressive and too extreme.
    Man who took the provience of Quebec to court.. He was charged because quebec signed a not with standing cause.
  • Quebecs Referendum

    Levesque's gov calls referendum. He proposed that Quebec becomes politically independed but continues economic ties with Canada.
    PM trudeau was against and promosed to negotiate a new constitution that recognized quebec as an equal.
    Result 40% yes 60% no
  • 1980s Movement toward Self Government

    1980s Movement toward Self Government
    Self Governemnt Due to the increase in band council power, many raised the question what else can we move from the Government to the Band Council. Aborigional peoples then wanted the power of slef governemnt. They argued that it would give them the right to manage resourses, gain control over education, culture and justice system.
  • Assembly of the First Nations

    Assembly of the First Nations
    Assembly of First NationsThe Assembly of the First Nations was formed to represent First Nations people in thier dealings with the Federal Government. They The Assembly of the First Nations meets at least once a year, include seats for a chief from each First Nation. There are over 600 First Nations in Canada
  • Constituation patriated without quebecs agreement

    1) trudeau came up with an amending formula(the process with changes can legally be made to the canadian constitution). 2) meeting which were unsucessful. the kitchen compromise didnt inculde quebec.. everyother provience was represented except quebec. Not with standing clause was added, allowed federal gov or proviences to opt out of some clauses in the charter. on april 17th 1982, trudeau went ahead and signed the new constitution.
  • Air India

    A flight from Montreal to NewDeli was bombed down and all 329 peple died including 280 canadians.
  • Bill C-31

    Bill C-31
    Bill C-31It proposed modifications to various sections of the Indian Act, including significant changes to Indian status and band membership, with three major goals: to address gender discrimination of the Indian Act, to restore Indian status to those who had been forcibly enfranchised due to previous discriminatory provisions, and to allow bands to control their own band membership as a step towards self-government.
  • Parliament Passes Bill C-31

    Bill C-31 gave Aboriginal band councils the power to decide who had the right to live on Aboriginal reserves where previous decisions were made by the Department of Indian Affairs.
    Specific Land Claims: based on exisiting treaties. have arisen in areas where treaties surrounding money, land and other assets are. Comprehensive Land Claims: based on traditional use and occupancy, is the assertion of the rights of Aboriginal nations to large area land, thier ancestors were the original inhabitat
  • Refonm Party Created

    Mulravey(PM) promosed to gain quebecs consent to the constitution.
    Liberal federalist in office in quebec (Robert bourassa) replaces Levesque.
    Canada has other problesm- growin western alienation due to oil, ottawa awarded multi billion dollar contract to quebec rather wpg.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Mulroney calls Premires to confrence in attempts to med the ammendments on the constitution. The meech lake accord suggested the they recogonize quebec as a distinct society.. It was all about Quebce. Bourassa and Quebeckers supported this because it protected the french cultural. Made the rest of Canada hate quebeckers becyae the meeting was all about them.
  • Result of the Meech Lake Accord

    Man, NB & NFLD withholds support and the accord disintergrates, MB was led by Elijah Harper who opposed it because it didnt recognize Aboriginals as a distinct society.
    The desire to seperate was now at 64% by the late 1990s
    Bloc Quebecois is formed by a powerful member of multoneys cabinet
  • Free Trade Agreement

    agreement moved tariffs on goods crossing the border and opened canada us investment and us canada investment. Canada would attract more US investments with no tariffs, increasing the economy. People were against it because US branch plants would simply move back to the US to avoid paying tarrifs.. resulting in lost jobs.
  • Oka Standoff

    Oka Standoff
    Oka StandoffIn the Municipality of Oka, Quebec, officials decided to expand a 9 hole golf course onto land that the Mohawks said was thiers. In response the Mohawks set up blockades of major roadways that lasted over 6 months One police officer died and the Army had to be called in.
  • The Meech Lake Accord

    The Meech Lake Accord
    Meech Lake AccordMany Aboriginal peoples including Elijah Harper were opposed to the Meech Lake Accord because they believed that aboriginal peoples deserved special status along with Quebec.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Iraqui forces under saddam hussien invaed Kuwait. UN demanded that Iraqui withdraw... but the us insited that military force was needed. They joined and fought along with 30 other countries including canada.. Finally, the Iraqi military left Kuwait and the colition only faced a few injuries
  • Nisga’a Treaty 1992-1998

    Nisga’a Treaty 1992-1998
    Nisga'a Treaty The Nisga'a were given wide powers of self government pertatining to issues of culture, language and family life. They were also given the ownership of 1922 square kilometers of land and 190 million dollars.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Mulroney gets another term in office and tries for another accord. It proposed 1) senate reform 2)Aboriginal issues 3) universal health care 4) workers rights. It was focoused more towards all of canada but still involved english french relations.
    54% of Canadians rejected it because they didnt understand it and ther was a lot of falut in it.
  • 2nd referendum on Quebec sovereignty

    this was the 3rd referendum... Quebec is till mad because they didnt reach 'distince society status' (49.4% yes 50.6 no). The question was very confusing to people and they didnt undersant the wording of it. No perminate settelment was clear, Bouchard became premier again and revisited sovereignty while PM Chretien was in power.
    Chretien follows up with the clarity act/bill which states that quebec must act a clear queation once and has to win clear majority.. making it impossible for quebec
  • Gustafasen Lake BC

    Gustafasen Lake BC
    Gustafsen Lake
    It burst into the headlines in Aug 1995 when a group of aboriginal activists and sympathizers occupied property belonging to a local rancher beside the lake, insisting it had spiritual significance and claiming ownership. The dispute escalated into an armed confrontation with RCMP and came to symbolize the tense relations between aboriginals and non-aboriginals in BC.
  • Ipperwash Crisis Ontario

    Ipperwash Crisis Ontario
    Ipperwash Crisis Aboriginal Peoples occupies land on a former army base that had been taken during the Second World War but never returned. On 4 September 1995 protesters also occupied Ipperwash Provincial Park. Tension between the protesters and the OPP increased, resulting in a confrontation on 6 September 1995 during which Dudley George, an Aboriginal protestor, was killed.
  • Statement of Reconciliation

    Statement of Reconciliation
    Statement of Reconciliation In 1998 the government of Canada lssued a statment of reconciliation to the aboriginal peoples of Canada. In this statement, the government stated that the policies which were put in place to assimilate the Aboriginal peoples were not conductive to building a strong country.
  • Delgamuluukw Case

    Delgamuluukw Case
    Delgamuukw Case The Delgamuukw case concerned the definition, the content and the extent of aboriginal title. The Supreme Court observed that aboriginal title constituted an ancestral right.
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    Creation of Nunavut In 1999, Nunavut was created where aboriginal peoples were given the right to self governemnt iver natural resourses, education and justice systems. There are no parties in Nunavut you run as an individual.
  • 911

    The islamic group al-qaeda, hijacked 4 passenger planes.
    2 flew into the twin towers 1 at the pentagon and one in a field in pensalviana... all in all upwards of 2976 people died.
    In response Bush promoted the 'war on terrorism' and promised to fight back
  • Harper

    PM Steven Harper is announced, 36% of the pop voted him in