The Royal Procblamation
is a document that set put guidelines for European settlement of Aboriginal territories in what is now North America. It was ussued by king george the thired in 1763 to take British terrritpry in North America after Britain had won the "Seven Years War" -
Reserves System
aboriginal peoples were seen as blocking future settlement across all of North America and as a result they were pushed on to reserves.the sizes of the reserves were extremely reduced from the previous occupied territories. the living condictions on all of the reserves were lower than the rest of canada ( ife was alot tuffer) -
The Indian Act
the goverments way of encourgagaing aboriginal peoples to give up their culture and tradtions and assimilate them into the dominant culture. its provided schools, medical care, hunting and fishing rights and annual treaty payments to aboriginals. they did not have to pay taxes and were given a special status. -
Aboriginal Rights to Univerisal Suffrage
in 1958, prime minister John Diefenbaker named James Gladstone, one of the members of the Alberta Blood tribe, the first Native Senator. Then in 1960 he gave non- ensfranchised Aboriginals the right to vote in ferderal elections. the goverment was still against the idea of Aboriginal self government. -
National Indian Brotherhood & Native Council of Canada Formed
was formed to lobby on the behalf of the Aboriginal people that were living on reserves. -
White Paper
prime minister Pierre Trudeau and his minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Cjretian, Unveiled a policy paper that proposed ending the special legal relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian state and dismantling the "Indian Act".
white paper proposed:eliminate indian status, dissolve the department of indian affairs with five years,abolish the indian act
convert reserve land to private property that can be sold by the band or its members, provide funding for economic developement. -
Residential School System Abolished-but not all closed
many schools that Aboriginal childeren could learn their own language and their own cultures were created. the secondary band schools were far away from the reserves where the children lived making the kids live far away from their families in places like (Vancouver and New West). sometimes the loneliness got too much for some and they had to return grom the high school. -
Movement towards Self Government
The aboriginal people wanted the right to self-government so that they would be able to make their own decisons about things in their communitys, intergral to their different cultures, languages and traditions, and their deep relationship to their resource they get and their lands. But they didnt feel that the ferdal goverment cared about their thoughts and feels regarding this matter. NIB renamed the Assembly of First Nations -
Assembly of the First Nations
the assembly of first nations is a national advocacy organization represnting First Nation citzens in Canada which includes more than 900,000 people living in 634 First Nation communties and in cities and towns acorss the country. aboriginal people occupied land that tey claimed was sacred ground. -
Passing of Bill C-31
bringing the indian act into line with gender equality under the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms. it proposed modifcations to various sections of the indian act, including significant changes to Indian stauts and band membership, with three major goals: to adress gender discrimination of the Indian Act, to restore Indian status to those who have been foricbly enfranchised due to previous discrimatory provisions, and to allow bands to control their own band membership going to self-gov. -
Meech Lake
the meech lake accord didnt not recognize the distint status of the indian people in the same way that it recognized quebec. recall elijah harper, Aboriginal leader from manitioba opposed because he strongly believed that the aboriginal people deserved status alond side quebec. -
Ipperwash Ontario
aboriginal people occupied land on a former army baseed which was taken during world war 2 but never returned -
Oko Stand Off
was a 78 day stand off between Mohawk protestors, police and army. At the heart of the crisis was the proposed expansion of a gold course and the devoplment of condos on land that had included a Mohawk burial ground. the golf course expansion was in the end cancelled and the land was then bought by the government, it was not yet been tranferred to the Kanesatake community. -
nisga'a treaty
they wons a partial victory in the supreme court of justice giving aboriginal the title to land (this was a major event for the aboriginals)
when the two nieghboring nations went to court they called it "delgamuluukw case" -
Gustafasen Lake BC
the trial took a total of 10 months. it took place in the highest sercurity courtroom in all of BC. 14 nattives were charged with 60 offences, including two counts of attempted murder. -
nisga'a treaty
the rules of the treaty:
-entitled to 8% of their orginal land
-ownership of the forest
-partial profits form salmon fisheries&hydro development
-right to develop their own municipal goverment and their own policing
-goverment offered to pay the the Niaga'a 190million over 15 years compensation for lost land
-nisg'a people agreed to become tax payers -
delgamuluukw case
it was ruled that the aboriginal groups were able to take ownership of 1,922 square kilometers of land. this was also incluuding resources, fishing and hunting rights, and also 190 million dollars in total. -
nisga'a treaty
even though they recieved wide powers of self goverment they also recievced ownership of 1,922 square kilometers of land, inlcuding all resources, fishing and hunting rights and also one of the major benefits was that they recieved 190 millions dollars -
Statement of Reconciliation
canadian goverment was to issues an official statement that was to announce the that policies which sought to assmilate aboriginal people were not going to help build a stronger country that we are all able to live in -
Creation of Nunavut
on april 1 1999 nunavut separted from the Northwest Territories to become the newest Canadian territory. The creation of Nunavut was the outcome of the largest aboriginal land claims agrremnt between the canadian government and the native Inuit people.