
Aboriginal History

  • Australia Day

    Australia Day
  • The Richmond Hill battle

    The Richmond Hill battle
    What: The Richmond Hill battle. Cause: Aboriginal people defending their country against the British Effect: Aborignal people lost and also many aborignal people lost their life
  • protection of white law

    protection of white law
    What: NSW Governor Macquarie's proclamation. Cause: Wanted to remove aborignal people from NSW. Effect: Australians who could then be shot on sight if armed with spears, or even unarmed, if they were within a certain distance of houses or settlements.
  • British Parliamentary Choose Committee

    British Parliamentary Choose Committee
    What: United Kingdom British Parliamentary Select Committee Cause: A British Parliamentary Select Committee examines the treatment of Indigenous people in all British colonies. Australian colonies are particularly criticised for the practise of genocide and it is recommended that Protectors of Aborigines be appointed. Effect: unhappyness and depression of aborignal people
  • British Parliamentary Select Committee

    British Parliamentary Select Committee
    What: United Kingdom British Parliamentary Select Committee Cause: A British Parliamentary Select Committee examines the treatment of Indigenous people in all British colonies. Australian colonies are particularly criticised for the practise of genocide and it is recommended that Protectors of Aborigines be appointed. Effect: unhappyness and depression of aborignal people
  • The Commonwealth Constitution excludes the Commonwealth Government

    The Commonwealth Constitution excludes the Commonwealth Government
    The Commonwealth contitution excludes the commonwealth government
  • The commonwealth of Australia is formed.

    The commonwealth of Australia is formed.
    The commonwealth of Australia is formed.
  • The Rabbit proof fence

    The Rabbit proof fence
    The rabbit proof fence is made, 1901-1905, it took 4 years to make the rabbit proof fence
  • The Commonwealth Government takes control

    The Commonwealth Government takes control
    The commonwealth government takes control, becoming involved of aboriginals affairs.
  • aborignal mission evacuation

    aborignal mission evacuation
    What: Evacuation of the NT missions. Cause: Indigenous children evacuated after the bombing of Darwin are transferred to Victoria, South Australia or NSW. Effect: Some never return.
  • Tent Embassy

    Tent Embassy
    What: Tent Embassy was made outside of parliment house Cause: the aborignal people protested at the tent Effect: Aborignal people won and the tent Emabassy is still out side parliment house now
  • The aboriginal flag is designed

    The aboriginal flag is designed
    The aboriginal flag is designed by Harold Thomas.
  • PM Howard Government sorry speech to stolen generation

    PM Howard Government sorry speech to stolen generation
    what: PM Howard Government sorry speech to stolen generation Cause: PM Howard says sorry to storlen generation Effect: Happy that PM Howard was the first PM to say sorry
  • PM Howard Government sorry speech to stolen generation

    PM Howard Government sorry speech to stolen generation
    what: PM Howard Government sorry speech to stolen generation Cause: PM Howard says sorry to storlen generation Effect: Happy that PM Howard was the first PM to say sorry
  • MABO day Brisbane

    MABO day Brisbane
    What: MABO day in brisbane Cause: A ten year struggle to bring back MABO Effect: MABO day brings the Aborignal people & Torres Strait Islanders together