Aboriginal fight for human rights

  • Celebrate or Mourn

    Celebrate or Mourn
    A meeting of Aboriginal people was held. A document called 'Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights' was circulated. This was the first time a protest was mad by the Aboriginal people.
  • More visible during the war

    More visible during the war
    The general public became more aware of the second-class status of the Aboriginals as a result of WWII. Many Aboriginals served in the army or moved into town to work in wartime industries. (1939-45)
  • Situation report: Indigenous Australians in 1951

    Situation report: Indigenous Australians in 1951
    Most Aboriginals were under the control of Protection or Welfare Boards. They would choose where the Aboriginals could live, travel, work, and more. Many were not paid in any form. Thousands of children were being taken from parents.
  • Stealing people: the lost generation

    Stealing people: the lost generation
    7 year old girl named Lorna Cubillo was seized and taken from her mother with 15 other Aboriginal girls. She was taken to a church-run foster home where she was sexually abused and never got to see her mother again. About 100,000 Aboriginals children were taken the authorities goal was to cut off the culture and 'breed out the culture' This lasted from
  • Freedom Riders demand equal treatment

    Freedom Riders demand equal treatment
    Charles Perkins, an Aboriginal activist leader of a group made a bus tour through New South Wales. They protested about discrimination in shops, bars, clubs, theaters, and swimming pools
  • Gurindji people demand a better deal

    Gurindji people demand a better deal
    200 workers walked off the Wave Hill cattle station in the Northern Territory. They wanted better wages, conditions and their traditional land back
  • White voters demand a better deal for first Australians.

    White voters demand a better deal for first Australians.
    After a 90% yes the government gave Indigenous Australians the right to vote
  • Aboriginal tent embassy set up in Canberra

    Aboriginal tent embassy set up in Canberra
    The Embassy said blacks were now going to get up and fight on issues such as education, health and police victimization.
  • Land rights to be granted to first Australians

    Land rights to be granted to first Australians
    A government commission recommended that Aboriginals should get back the land where they now lived and had traditionally lived.
  • Cathy Freeman

    Cathy Freeman
    She carried the Australian and Indigenous Australian flags at the 1994 Common Wealth games
  • The march across the Sydney bridge

    The march across the Sydney bridge