Aboriginal Affairs

  • Royal Proclimation

    Royal Proclimation
    The Royal Proclamation is a document that set out guidelines for European settlement of Aboriginal territories in what is now North America
    -ensure Aboriginals had their own land for reserve settlements.gave Britain the right to purchase Aboriginal hunting and fishing grounds, but gave Aboriginals the right to hunt and fish on these acquired lands. This would be very important in future claims and court cases by Aboriginal nations.
  • Reserve System

    Reserve System
    -made aboriginals dependent on gov
    -pushed the aborignials on smaller plots of land
    -money and resourcers were given to cheifs
    -low lifestyle conditions. ;(
  • Indian Act

    Indian Act
    -Gov wanted to assimilate first nations (No npotlach's and sundances)
    -Seen as paternalistic. provides fishing hunting, medical and child care right.
    -they didn't have to pay tax, but didn't have the rights to vote in prov elections UNLESS they gave up Indian status (move off reserve, join military, get married)
    -They define indian satus
  • Aboriginal Right to Universal Sufferage

    Aboriginal Right to Universal Sufferage
    After PM John Diefinbaker named James Gladstone, a member of Alberta's blod trobe the FN senator, he gave non-enfranchised aboirginals (Those that had not given up their indian statues) the right to vote in federal elecion. Gov did still not support the right to self government.
  • National Indian Brotherhood & Native of Canada Formed

    National Indian Brotherhood & Native of Canada Formed
    Formed under a need to respresnt all intrests of FN people in canada. Only repsenented treaty/status first nations. Metis and non-status FN used ot have a thing going with them, called the NAtional INdian Council, but they cut it off because the two groups could npt function as one.
    Chiefs didn't feel represnted in first one.
    When PM annouced canda would patriate it's own constitution, concerns grew about first nations rights. it evolved into the Assembly of first nations.
  • Residential School System Abolished but not all closed

    Residential School System Abolished but not all closed
    Yayyyyy! A comitte reccomended that it be abolished.
  • White Paper

    White Paper
    introduced by gov to adress issues facing aborginals
    proposed abolition of reserves and a cancelation of special status for treaty FN
    -FN's called it "cultural genocide" seen as an attempt to assimiliate into society.
  • Movment Towards Self Goverment

    Movment Towards Self Goverment
    -Wanted rights to self gov, making decsisions about interal matters to their communities culture, tradtion, land usage and practices.
    -Constitution Act of 1982 garunteed the existing rights of aoriginals. (right ti control land, protect beliefs, and have self government)
  • Assembly of the First Nations

    Assembly of the First Nations
    -Sometimes accused of not representing the larger FN community.
    Does not represent Metis or Inuit intrests.
    each nation is given a seat in the assembly, filled by chied or represntation. There is a national cheid of the assembly of first nations. He's elected.
  • Passing of Bill C-31

    Passing of Bill C-31
    Brings indian act into line with gender equality act.
    -adresses gender discrimination in indian act (for example: can keep Fn status is husband dies)
    -restores indian status to those who have been foricbly enfranchied. (made non- indian)
    -Allows bands to control their own band in a step towards self government.
  • Meech Lake

    Meech Lake
    -Trying to get quebec to sign off on the constitution.
    Quebec wanted to be independent
    Opposed by Eliajah harper because it did not agree with first nation rights. He thought that aboriginal peoples deserved the same special status as quebec.
    -> accord did not recognize aboriginals with the same specoal status as they recognized quebec,
  • Period: to

    Oka Stand Off

  • Nisga'a Treaty

    Nisga'a Treaty
    the Nisga'a Treaty, was settled between the Nisg̱a'a , the gov of British Columbia and the Government of Canada. Creates a Nisag'a government. Establishes descion making authority for that government, Basically gives back land (aprox 2000 square klm) and fishing rights. It makes laws in most places expect some that fall under provincial and federal authority.
  • Period: to

    Gustafen Lake BC

  • Ipperwash Ontario

    Ipperwash Ontario
    Dispue took place in Ipperwash Provincial park. The Stoney park Ojibway band took claim of the land that had been taken from them by the candian Gov in WW2, even though that land had spirtual signifigance.
    A violent ruckus caused the ontario provincial police killed an unarmed protester Dudley George.
    The popop were heard making racist remarks like "I want the fucking indians out of the park.) The gov later agreed to give the stony park people their land back but its still not official,
  • Statment of Reconciliation

    Statment of Reconciliation
    Sort of an apology letter by minister of indian affairs Jane Stewart.
    Awknowledges the autrocity of the residential schools and death of metis leader louis reil. (wanted to perserve metis rights) really beautifal actually. awknowledged importance of the first nations.
  • Delgamuluukw v BC Case

    Delgamuluukw v BC Case
    decision of the Supreme Court of Canada where the Court expressly and explicitly declined to make any definitive statement on the nature of aboriginal title in Canada.
    Concludes that:
    Aboriginal title is, therefore, in substance, a right to territory and encompasses exclusive use and occupation.
    -Must have been occupied before decleration of sovrignity
    -If you want the land and have evidence it was occupied, Must be a continuation that occupation to this day.
    -Must be only FN on land before sov
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    Inuit became one of the first indigenous peoples in the Americas to achieve self-government. Nunavut means "our land" in Inuktitut, the Inuit language.
    discovery of oil in 60's and 70's lead inuit to fight for land claims.
    13 years of negotiation led to the 1992 Land Claims Agreement, Inuit wanted new territory. There was little progress until the Inuit forced the government to put the question on a plebiscite. 53% voted yes. they can hunt, 1 billion, help descions- land and water usage
  • Terms

    -Assimilation -> to make the same
    Residential School
    Universal sufferage -> right to vote
    specific land claim-> Delas with past grivences, or historic treates and obligations.
    comphrensive land cliam -> deal with unfinished buisness, where land has not been dealt with through histroic of legal means.
    aborginal self government
  • People

    Jean Chretian -> strongly opposed to the quebec sovriginity movment..
    Eliajah Harper