Abolishing the slave trade

By Ann A
  • Feb 20, 1562

    The start of Slave trade in England

    The start of Slave trade in England
    • No exact date for most events
      Sir John Hawkins finishes first slave trade expedition
  • Period: Feb 20, 1562 to


    • England takes in caribbean slaves -Royal africa forced to carry and control slave and trading
    • English become leaders in the slave trade
  • William's born

    William's born
    William Wilberforce is born after 197 years since the slave trade started. **No exact date
  • Meeting Pitt

    Meeting Pitt
    William meets Pitt in in St John's college, cambridge.
  • Entering the world of politics

    Entering the world of politics
    William gets elected as MP for Hull.
  • Overboard

    Slave ship "Zong" throws over 100 african/negros overboard.
  • Yorkshire

    Wilberforce is elected as MP for yorkshire.
  • france

    to 1786. Wilburforce goes to France with Milner, and has a spiritual crisis.
  • Slave trade commitee born

    Slave trade commitee born
    The abolition of the slave trade is born, the ask Wilberforce to present in parliment.
    First ship freed of slave to Sierra Leone.
  • In parliament

    In parliament
    William talks about condemming the trade
  • A practical view

    A practical view
    Willburforce writes 'A practical view' and it becomes one of the best selling religious work.
  • Passed

    The bill to abolish the slae trade is passed.