Ableism Assessment

  • 1552 BCE


    In the 1500's people or the first person that had a disability weren't treated like normal citizens. Instead they were killed or abandoned.
  • I was taught

    I was taught
    In 1815 through 1817 Thomas H. opened a school for those who are deaf called "Hartford, Connecticut". I believe that was a beginning of fairness for those who were different.
  • I can Read without eyes

    I can Read without eyes
    In 1829 Louis Braille invented alphabets for those who cannot see. How he did he made dots the formed the letter that felt like how the letter looked. It took him a little while to teach the little but then they started to catch on.
  • I was Judged

    I was Judged
    1907-1960 Indiana was the first to lock up people they were different such as disabled people. After the rest of the world heard about this that law started spreading like wildfire. I feel like that was wrong and disrespectful of them to make people that were different than them. Suffer in ways they don't have
  • I Was Heard

    I Was Heard
    Franklin D.Roosevelt was the first president with a disability he was treated with kindness and with honor.Because they didn't know of his disability
  • My Kind Has Been Hurt

    My Kind Has Been Hurt
    1939 not only Jews and Blacks were killed but also the different people were killed.Specially people who were beyond I don't understand at all why people would hurt people just because they looked different.
  • Help Is Near

    Help Is Near
    People that had disabilities had the chance to finally be heard for their feelings because of John F. Kennedy. He wrote an "Community Mental Health Law" for those who needed the most.
  • Judgement Is Over

    Judgement Is Over
    In Chicago Illinois 1974 there was a law that finally broke called the "Ugly Law" for those that looked disfigured. For people who looked disfigured they were thrown in jail just because.
  • We Are Treated Differently

    We Are Treated Differently
    Little kids or Adults with Autism are finally able to be taught with and in ways they are able to learn and actually be apart of things
  • They Are Known

    They Are Known
    In West Virginia they teach people about disability history to change people minds about how they look at them. It's REQUIRED to be taught as well so people doesn't judge others.