John Adams born
Her parents William and Elizabeth are married
Abigail is born in Weymouth, Massachusetts
John and Abigail start to “date”
Abigail and John are married
Abigail “Nabby” Adams is born
John Quincy Adams is born
John and Abigail move to Boston; Susanna Adams Boylston born
The Boston Massacre
The Adamses return to Braintree
They return to Boston and Thomas Boylston Adams is born
Boston Tea Party; Abigail begins to comment on politics
John travels to First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, beginning the first of many long separations
John goes to Second Continental Congress
Abigail’s mother dies of dysentery
John named to committee to write the Declaration of Independence
Abigail and her children are inoculated for small pox
John goes to the netherland’s and France and brings John Quincy with him
John Writes the Massachusetts State Constitution
Abigail’s father, William, dies
Abigail and John live in both Paris and London as the First Ambassadors of the US
Abigail Adams II maries William Stephens Smith
William Steuben Smith born their first grandchild
John is first Vice President
John re-elected as Vice President
John elected as second President
Abigail and John become first residents of the White House
Abigail dies
John dies