Abigail is born
Abigail Adams is born on November 22, 1744 -
Wedding Day
Abigail and John Adams are married on October 25, 1764 -
Nabby Adams
Johm and Abigail have their first child, Nabby Adams on July 22, 1765 -
John Quincy Adams
John and Abigail have a second child, John Quincy Adams on July 11, 1767 -
Susanna Adams
John and Abigail have their third child, Susanna Adams on December 28, 1768 -
Susanna passes
Susanna Adams dies at age 2 on February 4, 1770 -
Charles Adams
John and Abigail have another son, Charles Adams on August 19, 1770 -
Thomas Adams
John and Abigail have their last son Thomas Adams, on September 15, 1772 -
Mercy Otis Warren
Abigail begins correspondance and friendship with Mercy Otis Warren about womans rights. -
Speaking Out
Abigail begins to speak on political issues after the Boston Tea Party. She expresses her thoughts on independence and women's rights. -
"Remember the Ladies"
Abigail writes letters to her husband, John Adams, asking him to "remember the ladies", urging him to not forget the woman who are helping the men by collecting shoes, food, and other the necessities that the soldiers would have had to go without. -
Boston Trip
Abigail Adams takes her family to Boston, Massachusetts, to prevent the deadly disease smpallpox -
American Ambassador
John Adams is appointed 1st American Ambassador to the Court of St. James -
Vice President
John Adams is told that he is officially the new vice president of the United States, with George Washington as president. -
First Lady
John Adams becomes the 2nd president of the U.S; Abigail becomes "First Lady" -
Abigail Adams dies
Abigail Adams dies at 74 years old, of typhoid fever.