Aaron Burr, Sir

  • Aaron Burr is Born

    Aaron Burr was born on February 6th, 1756
  • Aaron Burr's Deeply Tragic Melancholy Past of Sadness

    Aaron Burr's Deeply Tragic Melancholy Past of Sadness
    In 1758, Aaron Burr's parents passed away. He was only 2 at the time, and him and his 4 year old sister moved in with his grandparents. However, they too died, causing them to be transferred once more to a physician named William Shippen. In 1759, their uncle Timothy Edwards became their guardian.
  • Graduation

    At only age 16, Burr graduated. He graduated from a University in New Jersey, now known as Princeton University, in which his father was the second president of. He later started studying in Law, before he was put to a stop to fight in the Revolutionary War.
  • Promotion

    After serving under Benedict Arnold in 1775, Burr was promoted to a major. He soon joined the staff of General George Washington. Washington and Burr supposedly both had a mutual feeling of hatred towards the other. After, he was transferred to work under General Israel Putnam and achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel, only to resign in 1779 as a result of health issues.
  • Theodosia

    In 1782, Burr completed his BAR exam in New York. A BAR exam is used for law students in the United States. They must pass in order to practice law. His law practice was beginning to do very well when he met Theodosia. He married and loved Theodosia, until her death in 1794. (Sadly there were only images of his daughter, who was also named Theodosia, but not Burrs wife.)
  • The Race For Senate

    The Race For Senate
    Around 1791, Aaron Burr ran for Senate against Phillip Schuyler. In the end, Burr was victorious, but one of his rivals, Alexander Hamilton was unhappy. Phillip Schuyler happened to be Hamilton's father in law, causing an increase in hatred between the two.
  • Back to the Bottom

    Back to the Bottom
    In 1796, Aaron Burr made his first attempt at being President, almost winning Vice President. In the end, Adams came out first, Jefferson second and claiming Vice President, and Aaron Burr third. He then tried to re-run for Senate, but lost to Phillip Schuyler.
  • Vice President Aaron Burr

    Vice President Aaron Burr
    In the election of 1800, Burr won Vice President. He went under the Democratic-Republican party along with third president of the US, Thomas Jefferson during his first term. In the end, however, Burr was marginalized by Jefferson who claimed that Burr made private dealings to assure presidency for himself.
  • The Duel

    The Duel
    Burr was nominated for governorship by friends from the New York Legislature in 1804. His defeat was later caused by Hamilton sending disrespectful messages about Burr. This resulted in a duel between Burr and Hamilton at Weehawken New Jersey. Burr won the duel, but was viewed as a murderer due to the fact that duels were illegal in New Jersey.
  • Aaron Burr: King of Mexico

    Aaron Burr: King of Mexico
    Burr fled to Philadelphia, where he planned to conquer Mexico with Gen. James Wilkinson. There, he was going to create his own private government. This plan failed, of course. He was soon jailed.
  • Burrs Second Attempt at Being Important, But Then He Died

    Burrs Second Attempt at Being Important, But Then He Died
    Aaron Burr, after facing Jail time, went to Napoleon to negotiate a plan to conquer Florida. Napoleon, currently struggling with a war, says no. Aaron Burr then wen't back to New York, forgotten, and married a rich widow named Eliza Jumel in 1833. The marriage didn't go over well, because he ended up spending all her money. She planned a divorce on Sept. 14th, 1836, the day Burr died of a stroke.