Aaron Burr is born.
Aaron Burr is born on this date. -
Aaron Burr's Father Passes Away
On this date, Arron Burr's father passes away. This was the first step towards Burr becoming an orphan. His mother passed away shortly after, making him an orphan. Burr started to become less responsible after the discipline of his uncle. -
Burr Graduates form Princeton
Aaron Burr entered Princeton at an early age of 13. He later on graduated at the age of 16. This showed that he was a very intelligent man, helping him in his career of law and politics. -
Aaron Burr's Starts His Political Career
Aaron Burr starts of his political career as being the attorney general of New York State. He is appointed to this position by Governor George Clinton. -
Burr Runs for President
Aaron Burr ran for president against Thomas Jefferson. They both tied for president. Alexander Hamilton swayed the Federalists in the House of Representatives to vote for Jefferson, claiming Burr wouldn't be a good president. Due to this, Jefferson won the the election of 1800, making Burr furious. -
Burr and Hamilton's Duel
Aaron Burr challenges Alexander Hamilton, his political rival, to a duel at Weehawken, NJ. There, Arron Burr shoots Hamilton. Hamilton dies and thus starts the downfall of Burr's career. -
The Burr Conspiracy
Aaron Burr was involved in a conspiracy to separate the western states from the rest of the United States. He had offered Britain help to separate the western states. He ended up being caught in 1807. He was found at Bayou Pierre in which he surrendered. -
Burr's Trial
After Burr was caught, he was taken to a court trial in Richmond, Virginia. The Jury found Burr to not be guilty based off the evidence provided. Burr remained in Richmond until December. -
Britain Arrests Burr
Burr is arrested by Britain authorities. He is offered a passport to anywhere. He departs to Sweden. -
Burr Attempts to Esacpe
Burr is able to get a passport, with the help of others, form Napoleon's regime. He goes to Amsterdam in which he boards the Vigilant, a boat heading to the United States. The ship is captured by the British, making burr return to Britain. -
Burr Goes to Boston
After being caught by the British and being sent back to Britain, Burr decided to try to go back to the United States again. He travels under a secret identity, Adolphus Arnot. he travels to Boston. -
Burr Dies
After a long life, Burr dies at the Continental Hotel, Port Richmond, Staten Island.