Born in Newark, New Jersey
Graduated from the College of New Jersey at age sixteen
This collage later became Princeton University -
Burr began his military service as a volunteer
He was inducted as a staff of General Washington at Manhattan.
However, he soon angered Washington and within two weeks, was transferred to General Israel Putnam’s troop. -
Aaron Burr married Theodosia Prevost
Burr began his law practice in Albany, New York
Elected to the U.S. Senate
Ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. presidency, and became vice president instead
Killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel
Burr plotted with others to create an empire consisting of the Mississippi Valley, Mexico, and much of the American West
Burr was later charged with treason against the United States -
Charged with conspiracy, which ruined his political career
Died in Staten Island, New York.