A2 Media

  • Period: to

    Production Schedule

  • Research / case studies

    I looked at two short films and a music video that was a short film. I did this because I knew I wanted to make a short film. From this I got inspirtation on what shot I wanted to include.
  • Treatment

    My group and I came up with rough ideas for the plot of our short film. For each idea we chose our target audience.
  • Focus groups / pitch

    I present mine and my groups ideas to the class which included the plot of my short film, estimated length, audience and ethical issues. From this we got helpful feedback.
  • Pre-production

    With my group, we completed call sheets, risk assesments and recces. We decided what props each of us was incharge of. During this time we made team meetings and chose days to film.
  • Shooting the video

    We had problems trying to film. We had unreliable people and time was running out so we choose to change our storyline. Due to the characters that we did have meant we had to film when it was dark because it was the only time we was all free to film. This did cause some difficulty.
  • Editing

    We took it in turns in edting parts of the film. We also did some planning in this time, looking for a backing track that suited our film. We chose more than one but eventually we found the one we wanted and emailed the creator of the song to request permisson to use and this was succesful.
  • Research and planning the film poster and magazine review page

    We looked at 3 case studies for the film poster and looked at 3 case studies for the film review. I was able to see range of things I did not like and elements I liked and wanted to include in my own work. We also presented ideas to the class to get their opinions on our ideas and to see if there was anything they wanted to add.
  • Producing the film poster and the magazine review page

    I played around with the layout of the film poster and I was then able to come up with a consisten theme that we used for the film review page too.
  • Evaluation

    I was able to explain the reasons why I used certain shots and effects in my short film. I also spoke about what worked and what didn't work, I said the things I thought I could have done better. I was able to state why I used certain colours in the film poster and review.