a title for my timeline

  • 14th admendemt

    the 14th admendment was made in 1868 and in was made up in washtion dc and the congress let it by.
  • 13 admendent

    the 13th admenment was made in 1865 and it came uo in washtion dc and it was about the elementry slavery
  • plessy an freguson

    the plessy and in was made and in 1896 and it was made in new orlans the were fighting for the 14 admenment.
  • brown vs board of education

    brown vs board of education
    brown vs board happend on 1954 in topka kansas and the method happen at court cases and the to people are linda and emily brown and they wanted no segrated schools.
  • monttomery bus boycott

    monttomery bus boycott
    the monttomery bus boycott happen in december 1 1955 in montgoramny alabamba it was a boycott the two people were m.luther king