A timeline on the Industrial Revolution

By manonn
  • steam threshing machine, 1787

    steam threshing machine, 1787
    The first steam threshing machine was invented by a Scottish named Andrew Heirle in 1787. The steam threshing machine is a piece of farm equipment that separates grain seed from the stalks and husks. It has changing the 18th century because before such machines were developed, threshing was done by hand. It was very laborious and time-consuming, taking about one-quarter of agricultural labour.
  • gas lighting, 1792

    gas lighting, 1792
    A scottish inventor, William Murdoch (1754-1839) has create in 1792 the first gas light. The gas light is the technique allowing lighting from a gas such as coal gas or natural gas. It has changed the 18th century’s society because it was a less dangerous way to have light and it was used in the street to light the population on the evening.
  • steam boat, 1803

    steam boat, 1803
    The american inventor Robert Fulton born in 1765 and dead in 1815 has created the steamboat. The steamboat is a type of ship generally suitable for deep-sea/trans-oceanic navigation, which is propelled by one or more steam engines and which moves by the rotation of propellers or paddle wheels. It has changed the 18th century’s society because this boat is way more fast that an original sailing boat.
  • the railway, 1825

    the railway, 1825
    The English, George Stephenson (1781-1848) had created the idea of railway. At the end of the 18th century the first railway line appears and since then railways have progressed little by little to form the intense railway development of the 1840s. It has changed considerably the 18th and 19th centuries because it was a faster transport for people and goods.
  • mechanical mower, 1834

    mechanical mower, 1834
    Cyrus McCornick born in 1809 and dead in 1884 from American nationality has considerably influenced the 19th century by inventing, in 1834, the first Mechanical mower. His invention brought major changes such as technological advances in farming, increased production thanks to the speed of harvesting.