My Birth
I was born on December 16 in 1993 in Washington D.C., to my parents, Susan and John Thomas. I was born into the American culture, and a couple years later was joined by my younger sister, Lauren. -
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Trust vs. Mistrust
During this stage of my life I learned to trust my parents as they fulfilled my needs. -
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Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
During this stage in my life I learned to do things independently. -
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Iniative vs. Guilt
During this stage in my life I was attending school and learning how to carry out tasks and plans. -
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Industry vs. Inferiority
During this stage in my life I was applying myself to tasks as I was completing elementary and middle school. -
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Identity vs. Role Confusion
During this stage in my life I was a teenager and was forming my self identitiy as I attended high school and college. -
Passed the License Test
This event was signigfigant in my life, because it meant that I could now drive by myself which was a huge step in becoming more independant. It also was a big step in my parents trusting me with a car. -
First Day of College at The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
This event in my life was very signifigant, becuase it marked a turning point in my life as I no longer lived with my parents, but independently at school. It was also the place where I discovered my passion for helping others and decided I wanted to become a social worker. -
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Intimacy vs. Isolation
During this stage in my life I chose my career path and started a family. -
The Birth of my Twins
This event was signifigant in my life because it is the day that my husband and I were given the gift of beautiful twins. One was a girl and one was a boy. -
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Generativity vs. Stagnation
During this stage in my life I raised my kids and was successful at work. -
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Integrity vs. Despair
During this stage in my life I retired and reflected on my life.